for the 40+ woman!


Ever wonder why some people in the gym work so hard and never reallygirl-wont-eat-590x295
change their physiques? It could be due to many reasons – not being consistent, not having a solid program to follow, not lifting heavy enough or….not eating enough.

Yep, us females are still in a calorie counting culture: just look at the rise of food apps and watch the number of people plugging their next bite into their phones to see if it’s a pass or a fail. Do you really want to live that way?

Sooooo many of my clients want to know this at the get-go, like we are just a mathematical formula that we can plug into for the perfect results! This is the hardest thing for new clients to get around…making that shift out of the calorie counting culture.

Remember ladies, you have to EAT to build…if you restrict calories too much, you will halt your progress. You simply cannot build in a deficit. Park the cardio and lift. And eat, for heaven’s sake!

But if you want to stay naturally lean all year, say, 18-20% bodyfat (what, you don’t know your bodyfat? That’s way more important than body weight, because as you lose weight, you can lose precious muscle (all that work!) and water, and that’s what carb restricted plans are all about), then you’re going to have to app2choose – do you want to change your physique with weight training, or do you want to stay lean all year?

This is particularly important for us older women – 40+ – who just restrict and cardio away to stay lean (and many thin women enter shows because they are naturally lean, but they don’t often progress beyond, because their body doesn’t have the nutrients to grow year after year. In time, everything drops away, including muscle, because that’s what Father Time does. Oh my!

Now some women can stay lean and build well at the same time but it’s rare, and it’s what every new competitor thinks will happen when she starts on the body-shaping journey, but it’s (usually) not so. That’s one reason why your IFBB avaPro’s like Nicole Wilkins, Erin Stern, Ava Cowan (right), are, well, pro’s. They only add 5-8 pounds off season, and they can still grown gorgeous muscle. Lucky gals! (And they’ve been in fitness their whole life too – Ava and Nicole are gymnasts, and Erin is an Olympic level track star!).

So when we read that so-and-so eat such-and-such and take in this many calories, we think we can do the same. But it just ain’t so for the majority of us. These women are genetically gifted. That’s why they are pro’s. (And have you ever seen a pro train? My gosh, it is INTENSE!)

That’s the beauty of the human body. It is our canvas, our work of art. We can alter it, add to it or subtract from it. And your relationship with food and your body is the most intimate of all relationships, and it takes time to learn and grow these factors together.

Coach Karen

July / August’s HLP (Healthy Living Program)yoga_pose


Summer Training is here…and it’s a NO EXCUSES summer…so grab your June E- WORKOUT CARD! (check your email!).

– Here’s what we’re up to THIS MONTH (video below…)


.Our FOCUS this month: We are doing Super Sets of a 4-day split, and we also have 4 out of gym workouts! I will be adding to these outdoor programs as summer progresses, ok? And we’ve got fat burning Tabata (again, you said you wanted it again!) and a fresh glute circuit! Abs 2-3 x a week, and glutes 2x a week!

Road Trips: The 3 A’s of Injuries! What to do when you’re injured in the gym! Yep, it happens! On your Road Trips tab!

Tips n Tidbits VIDEO!: Supersets and YOU!a reminder on how (and why) we use this valuable training tool in summer! WATCH HERE!

Coaching Call: How to Stay on Track in the Summer!. It IS possible, with a few tricks of the trade! LISTEN IN!

Guest Interviews: Update coming…in the meantime, I’ve kept up my interview with first-time Figure competitors Lynn and Sherry (for you new gals coming off the 10-Week Challenge who haven’t heard it yet! Check out their journey here… on your INTERVIEWS PAGE !


abs5-150x150Are you up for a CHALLENGE? Don’t forget to Sign Up for my ever-popular 10-Week Best Shape Challenge and my 12-Week Advanced Best Shape Challenge! I run it 3x a year, with limited seats! NEXT ONE starts SOON – April 16Th, 2014!

Come get in AWESOME shape! I’ll show you how!

Don’t forget to join my public McCoy Fitness Facebook Page for daily tips and tidbits!

Not a Member Yet? Come join the Healthy Living Program: our growing, healthycommunity. Monthly workouts, recipes, menu plans, videos, lectures, tele-coaching calls, seminars, motivational tidbits and more! Create the physique – and life – of your dreams!


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On-Line Training ROCKS!




“The HLP is exactly what I needed with regards to change in routines, diet, knowledge, tidbits. You have set up an excellent program that looks at all aspects of health, thank you!” Aaron Price


“I love this program….every month I look forward to a new workout and I love that excitement. I may miss the odd workout, but I never miss too many. I am much more aware of my body and how it works. The awareness and connection to my body I totally attribute to being on the HLP. I want to thank you for the HLP. I believe I have been able to better get through some difficult times with more grace because of it.” Kim Warwick.

“I think Karen’s approach to online training is fantastic and one that any women can work into their life. Going to classes or doing your own thing with a DVD has never worked for me as too many things get in the way. With Karen’s approach I get the support of a virtual club which I can take advantage of in my own time, no matter where I am– so flexible! I also think it is that constant contact via emails that keeps me engaged and reminds me to pay attention to my health. So in short, things are just great and can’t think of any changes to improve!” – Gay Corbett.

“It’s been awhile since joining the HLP and this is the best I’ve felt in a very long time! Yep, I’ve been sore after each workout but that’s okay – and I realize that I do have muscles!! I feel energized and happy that I’m on my way to a healthy lifestyle. There’s so much to learn from you… I feel very positive about the new direction and changes I’m making. I want to take charge of my health, body, mind and spirit – and through your program I know I can do it. In the two short weeks of lifting weights, coupled with the cleanest eating I have ever done in my life, I love how I feel!” – Trish Flanders.

SEE what others are saying!!! CLICK HERE!


I heard a scary statistic this morning. By 2020 experts say the number one disability will become depression.

Depression. By the time you hit forty years old, you have likely had a bout with it. That’s what the stats say too. 29

I had my time battling depression, and its sister, anxiety, for years. Being brought up in a chaotic household, and overcoming by becoming an over achiever set the tone. Then, with a desire to please, low self-esteem and learned helplessness, I dipped in and out of depression for years. And then I suffered through years of debilitating panic attacks (sometimes 20 a day) as I struggled to work through childhood issues and coping mechanisms that no longer served me, rather, they were  strangling my spirit.

When my son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, the clouds returned, and stayed for 8 long, dark years. I struggled to get through each day. I cried myself to sleep, night after night. I couldn’t relate to anyone, or to the outside world. I was a prisoner in my own mind, helpless and drowning.

It took a long time to turn it around, but slowly I came to dismantle the destructive thought patterns and beliefs that once had served me so well as a child (in order to survive) but that were now crippling me. I came to understand that when you say, “that’s just the way I am,” indeed there is much hidden deep in our subconscious that simply needs to see the light in order to create the necessary shifts. But becoming objective about your patterns is indeed work.

And I found my path to healing was based in healing my physical body. I re-connected with weight training, because it helped be to connect with my power. Because when we are depressed, we are powerless, lost. Am I here to tell you that weight training or any kind of exercise will miraculously lift your spirits back into the light? No, that would be irresponsible of me. But it did give me a toe hold back into reality. There, in the gym, I could start to feel the connections again between my lost self and the self that had always been there, somewhere. This, along with proper eating and biofeedback work, slowly helped to part the dark clouds, and the sun began to shine bits of rays at a time. I could feel my spirit return. I had been there all along, behind the veil. Now the veil was parting.

If you are struggling with your own clouds, know that there are millions of us out there, all struggling to stay afloat, to fight back the clouds. My biggest lesson was in learning to let go, to accept, and to know that ‘this too shall pass’. It was about dismantling the old, and staying open to the new.

Today, in all that I do and all my programs, we touch on the mental and spiritual aspects of things, simply because we cannot NOT touch on them. We are not just flesh and blood, to the contrary, we are a complicated mix of spirit and physical, all colliding to help us to bring our individual gifts and our purpose to life…if only we could see through the clouds. Sometimes we simply need validation that those clouds are real, and that it’s ok to have cloudy days, and to know that we are not alone in our journeys. Many of us have walked the path, and we can help. I believe that’s why we are here on this planet, to use our special gifts to help others. It’s as simple as that really.


PS: My Fall session of the 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge starts soon. Grab your spot. We’d love to have you join us!


Your Warrior Woman E-workout Cards and a summary of What’s Up THIS MONTH can now be found on our sister site: Pull n pike

So click on our new address, choose This Month’s Workout, and you’re in! All of our monthly interviews / coaching audios / lifting tips / nutrition lessons / articles, E-books and more are either linked within your E-Workout card or on our Warrior Woman Fitness website! Easy breezy! (Password is required. If you have techie issues, please email Theresa at

We also upload, chat, and support one another each day on our Warrior Woman  Private Facebook page so please make sure you’re there with us!




At this part of our 10-Week Challenge, Week 6, we tend to get a little, well, esoteric. Or as some lovingly call it, ‘woo-woo’. Yep. We go inward, and we always look at the subconscious because that’s the root of it all. (And you thought being fit was only training and eating?). :)

See, for many women, their beliefs steer their decisions about trying to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Do any of these sound (or feel) familiar?

“Everyone in my family is overweight.”
“I always fail at this.”
“If I get healthier, I may lose a certain relationship / person.”
“I’ve tried this before, but I always gains the weight back.”
“She’s lucky, she has more time / money to get in shape.”
“I’ve messed up my metabolism for good.”
“You naturally gain extra weight as you get older.”
“It’s hormones. Menopause always makes you gain weight.”

See, beliefs are supposed to change (values, like integrity and honesty do not). We don’t believe in the tooth ferry anymore, and we no longer believe that the world is flat or that the sun rotates around the moon. But for many people, assessing and updating their beliefs is scary. And many beliefs (I would say most beliefs) are hand-me-downs from our ‘tribe’ or family, that keeps us unified, or worse, keeps us ‘in check’ and ‘safe’ (don’t want to rock the family boat now….). And for others, not updating their beliefs is about not taking responsibility for their lives, because change can be scary, and results can be scary too. Deep stuff, really. But change is pertinent to being human, and is a must for our growth and peace.

And the world is changing…oh boy, is it! In all ways, physically, spiritually and socially. I had the opportunity to interview well-known Spiritual Intuitive Cheryl Forrest on how our worlds are shifting, how our levels on consciousness is changing, and how some will heed the call, and others will not. And how those that don’t believe in the power of beliefs, or even in their own power, will stay at the ‘lower energies’ and will live with anger, dis-ease, sorrow, resentments and more (this is what we are experiencing more and more of every day, as we see people’s lack of compassion, or their increased anger, jealousies, resentments etc (just take a look at the incidents of road rage happening, and how people are reacting on Facebook etc with their rants…all lower energy stuff). Her message: move into yourself and your power, and grab hold of this higher consciousness, this momentum that offers joy over sorrow, acceptance over sabotage, generosity over gossip, and love over judgement.

So check your beliefs at the door – shed what doesn’t serve you, and move into more empowering ways of thinking and seeing. That’s the human experience in action!

– Karen

Remember the day when all women would do is pay attention to calories? Every label provided us with calorie counts, that magical mathematical approach to losing the dreaded weight forever.

Then a tsunami of new thought came in that said, ‘no need to count calories if you are eating healthy.‘ This was supported by the soon-to-be gospel of clean eating (which, if you didn’t know, came from our bodybuilders from decades ago. Yep, it’s the bodybuilding diet repackaged and re-labelled). Now we have the cherished ‘count your macro’s’ philosophy, where everyone and their dog is plopping their well-intentioned meals into little pie graphs of technology to see if their macro’s add up for the day (never mind that they don’t really know what those amounts should be).

Once adored, then shunned, then it seems the tide has gone back to counting calories… or macro’s…I’m not really sure.

While everyone is bemoaning the fact that ‘calories don’t matter, clean eating does‘ (and few understand clean eating, which it is different for everyone), 3 out of 4 gals are hurriedly grabbing their food tracker apps to plop their food fare into to see what the numbers are. Oh my, we are creating a whole new generation of techno-dieters of a different sort, really. Same OCD tendencies, different generation.

Who’s right? Personally, in all my  programs, I make gals count their calories at least at the start, so they see exactly how much they are truly eating (we always tend to underestimate what we are eating. And yes, that late-night wine needs to be counted too!). This also teaches them about portion control, so they can see just how little 1/2 cup of yogurt really is, or what  3-4 ounces of meat really is. (That 12-ounce T-bone on the BBQ, well, it’s tasty, but you’re only using a portion, and the rest, well, calories, and lots of ‘em!)

Here’s what I know: you gotta count at the start to rein it in, and to help your eyes learn and adjust to what exactly constitutes a meal, what it really looks like. With counting, you are in control, and you re-learn portions, high volume versus low volume food counts, and yes, macro’s too.

Then, if all goes well, you STOP counting calories. Now, with a shift in perspective and a new level of eating intuition, you can peruse any buffet and come out a winner: macro’s and calories on target, thank you very much! And if you are over or under slightly, that’s called life, and that’s how it’s supposed to be done! All is good. It’s a lifestyle. You have a solid, reasonable perception of what to eat, how much, and your macro’s, the building blocks of health, are in check.

So count ‘em ladies, so you gain control and you see where YOU are at, really at (don’t choose the perfect day to count them up! Choose 2-3 average days of eating. Get REAL!). Then learn. Then shed the calorie counter. Be free. Live, eat and train intuitively. Because, that’s how it’s supposed to be!


(A Message From Karen)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.