Get toned, shapely, strong and lean by joining our popular Women on Weights™ program, created by trainer, nutritionist and competitor, Karen McCoy.
Karen offers small class sizes (4 women only), which allows Karen to give her clients a unique and personal training experience! Karen uses dumbells, barbells, kettlebells, TRX, and machines to create various body workouts to ramp your metabolism, tone your body and shed the fat!. And rotating workouts keeps your training fresh and gives you RESULTS!
Please email Karen for a full schedule.
We are closed for August and will resume September!
Bodyfat is done at the end of each month and we track it for progress!
Nutrition – Topics change monthly and according to the group’s needs.
Cost – $180/month. Please note – this is not a drop-in class. We run on a month-to month basis. This is necessary because we have a very small client base (8 ladies only) and we need to optimize this unique space. But it also encourages a commitment from YOU, the client, and ensures compliance and success!
We train in Seasonal Sessions: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. For more info, or to reserve your spot, email Karen at
Come join us! YOU deserve it!
Prefer On-line Training? It’s Easy & Affordable!
My popular on-line monthly Warrior Woman Group Coaching Program is always running. And for a real challenge, check out my 10-Week Best Shape of YOUR Life Challenge and my 12- Week Advanced Best Shape of Your Life Challenge. Both run 3 times a year (only 20 seats!). Click on links for more info! Or try my Power-UP! one on one coaching, perfect for individualized coaching to get you to where you WANT to be!
“It’s a testament to how many women’s lives you have impacted! You have changed mine forever and so grateful I was introduced to you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart you are such an inspiration and a beautiful friend. I will always cherish our friendship.” – Deanna Pfeifer
“As a bestselling health author and nutrition and fitness professional, I have

never had the need for a personal trainer. Having said this, I would not hesitate to hire Karen McCoy, as she is one of the best trainers in the business – bar none! As a man, hiring Karen is not an option, so if you’re woman and you want to get in the best shape of your life for the rest of your life, look no further – Karen is your expert of choice.”– Brad King, fitness expert, best-selling author, motivational speaker.
“Your monthly Healthy Living Program is exactly what I needed with regards to change in routines, diet, knowledge, tidbits. You have set up an excellent program that looks at all aspects of health, thank you!” – Aaron Price
“I love your monthly program….every month I look forward to a new workout and I love that excitement. I may miss the odd workout, but I never miss too many. I am much more aware of my body and how it works. The awareness and connection to my body I totally attribute to being on the HLP. I want to thank you for the HLP. I believe I have been able to better get through some difficult times with more grace because of it.” – Kim Warwick.
“As an author and international speaker, I meet many amazing coaches, trainers, authors and inspirational leaders. When I met Karen McCoy, I instantly realized this woman was in a league of her own. Her passion for health and fitness is driven not by vanity or ego – although she looks very much like a world class athlete. Karen is a living example of channeling her struggles and feelings of fear and loss into a life-enhancing, productive, empowered, healthy way of living, loving, moving, giving and receiving. Her book, One Rep at a Time, pulls together everything one would need to feel physically, emotionally and spiritually strong!” – Crystal Andrus, bestselling author, founder of The SWAT Institute.
“Karen McCoy displays amazing courage and adaptability in the personal

journey of self discovery. Her life story proves that mental and physical health are both dependent on the resolution of much deeper emotional and spiritual concerns. Her book – One Rep at a Time – draws the reader in with the power of authenticity and then provides a multi-dimensional solution for life based health, nutrition and fitness science. She teaches us how to obtain a state of robust tranquility and inner peace through the acceptance of life as it is, not as it should or could be. It will strike your soul and touch you where it matters most.” – Dr. Cory Holly, president, Cory Holly Institute
“I think Karen’s approach to online training is fantastic and one that any women can work into their life. Going to classes or doing your own thing with a DVD has never worked for me as too many things get in the way. With Karen’s approach I get the support of a virtual club which I can take advantage of in my own time, no matter where I am– so flexible! I also think it is that constant contact via emails that keeps me engaged and reminds me to pay attention to my health. So in short, things are just great and can’t think of any changes to improve!” – Gay Corbett
“I only just found this program two months ago and I can’t imagine living without it. I’ve been telling all of my friends about it…I am really hoping that I can get some on them to join and to develop a California contingent! That would be so awesome!” – Amy Rodriguez, California
“Karen, you are a fantastic trainer. You truly care about your Warrior Women. The thing I love most about you is you keep it real, and you don’t make silly promises. You are honest and realistic about how being fit at 50+ is more challenging and 50 is NOT the new 30, but 50 can still look and feel great! I have learned so much while being a HLP member!” – Connie Burrus, Texas
“It’s been awhile since joining Karen’s online training program, and this is the best I’ve felt in a very long time! Yep, I’ve been sore after each workout but that’s okay – and I realize that I do have muscles!! I feel energized and happy that I’m on my way to a healthy lifestyle. There’s so much to learn from you… I feel very positive about the new direction and changes I’m making. I want to take charge of my health, body, mind and spirit – and through your program I know I can do it. In the two short weeks of lifting weights, coupled with the cleanest eating I have ever done in my life, I love how I feel!” – Trish Flanders
“Thanks for another great year of helping me and others kick ourselves in the butt, to push ourselves to constantly get out of our own health and fitness comfort zones. Those continuous tips, workout cards and videos sure keep me on my toes and help me to constantly challenge myself. And the HLP group, well, what can I say other than they’re just a great bunch of people and I enjoy reading their comments every day. Thanks for all that you do. It’s truly appreciated.” – Karen Walters-Edgar
“Signing up for online coaching with Karen was exactly what I needed to get myself back on track with my training. Having worked on my own and having had a personal trainer and now having had an online coaching experience I feel qualified to speak on the topic. On my own with books and such I made some slow progress. With the personal trainer I made nice progress but it was very expensive and although he was a high profile trainer he was not very attentive and was difficult to get in touch with. My experience with Karen has been very valuable to me both in regard to my training as well as the dollar value. Karen walked me through every single detail of the program, and she has been extremely generous with her time and I have never waited long for a personal reply when I’ve sent out an email – I think that is very unique all by itself. Karen truly delivers on all fronts-high quality program, support for implementing the program, high quality tutorials that leave no stone unturned and if all that is not sufficient, as was sometimes the case for this particularly tech challenged challenger…Karen was always available online with patient, kind and thoughtful words. There are many ways to gauge success. One of my best gauges for this program from the outset was, Can it be done well online?. The answer: with McCoy Fitness, a resounding YES!. I have made good progress with Karen’s program and found that it offers me a balanced approach to the very real situation of being a physical as well as a spiritual being.” – Anna Burns, New Jersey, NY
“As I look back on the challenge I can see that I have learned so much and for that I am grateful to you. I have gained strength, a smarter way of eating and a stronger belief in myself. I realized that lifting weights and seeing results in how we look and feel is a product of a few things: Consistency, Patience and Lifestyle. This has been a journey for me and it is not done. Thank you for the inspiration on so many levels Karen…you are truly remarkable.” – Alison West
“Karen, I just want to thank you for the dedication and commitment you bring to those of us who take this challenge. You gave me the incentive, and means to commit to a more vigorous and challenging weight training routine, and many good tips to make my workouts more interesting. Thank you again, I shall not hesitate to recommend you, and your program to my staff, and friends.” – Sincerely, Robin Clarke
“This Challenge has been exactly what I needed. Not only do I fit into my ‘skinny’ pants, but my confidence is going way up again too! Plus, I love the muscle tone I am developing and I’m looking forward to continuing the process!” – Sarah Watts, Cranbrook, BC
“I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly healthy and fit person, but Karen’s program introduced me to a whole new way of thinking about my diet and my workouts. I have gained muscle and trimmed fat and feel the strongest that I have felt in years. Finally, I shed those extra 10 pounds and turned it into muscle. Fitting this into our busy lives is a challenge, but with short manageable workout routines, it is do-able. The 10 week challenge was the spark to get me going and now I know what I need to do to maintain my new shape and diet. Thanks Karen, for getting me on my way to a new and healthier body.” – Valerie Pike, Victoria BC
” Karen’s long distance training program is a perfect fit for me, due to the fact that I have small children. I really appreciated the ability to access the information when it was convenient for me. I love online learning, but things like webinars don’t always work for me because, although I might have a schedule in mind, I really never know what will be thrown at me on a given day. Scheduling attendance at live webinars is difficult, because it’s so difficult for me to really have an hour of dedicated time to myself.
I also love the exercise video clips. Even though I have a background in exercise science, and am a personal trainer myself, I sometimes need a refresher on what specific exercises are. The videos do a wonderful job of explaining form, intensity, etc. Love that! And the workout cards make it very clear on what’s expected of me in a given workout. I’ve felt confident going to the gym, setting up the equipment, and doing the workouts. Not once have I felt the need to have an additional local trainer coach or help me through it. It all just works, at least for me.
I think the more beneficial part was the nutritional information. I also have a

passion for nutritional information and crave anything I can get. 🙂 I did lose weight on the program, and I seriously contribute that to the nutritional changes that I made!
The fact that Karen responds personally to email questions, makes it real. Karen, you are not just a fitness generator for your clients. It is clear that you care about each of us, and personally invest your time in our success. I can’t tell you how important that is for me. I need a lot of emotional and psychological support. Your being there (on video, email, or by phone) and addressing issues that I’ve brought up, really helps me stick with it. So again, thank you!” – Beth Jones, M. Ed, ATC, CPT, Denver Colorado
“Karen’s on-line Best Shape Challenge offered excellent progression, and the information was presented in easy to implement stages, with forgiveness for imperfection built in! My strength improved a lot, and I have better balance, but more importantly, I have never had abs on any other program before, and now they’re peeking through! And I love the strong Warrior Woman theme! Women my age are generally not encouraged to celebrate our physical strength, sad but true. I was also able to fit the program into my very busy life! Thanks so much Karen!” – Sheila Corman – Toronto, Ont
“If you are looking for motivation, nutritional and training knowledge so you can reach your ultimate fitness goal, Karen’s Lift and Lose is the class for you! I started this program with Karen in September 2008 and I absolutely love it! I am getting stronger, and my body is getting back the definition I thought I’d never see again. Best of all, my energy levels are so much higher. This class is packed full of valuable nutritional information as well as excellent weight training advice and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get real results!” – Michelle Bourgeois, Sidney, BC
“After our first meeting with Karen, I knew this was going to change the way I thought about exercise and food. Karen offered sound, in-depth information on nutrition, supplements, how, why and what we eat and weight training turned out to be fun. I ‘lifted and lost’ at least one dress size during the 4 weeks, and have implemented changes every day in my thoughts on food. I can now go to the gym better informed and come out with a sense of achievement. Thank you Karen. I’ll be back!” – Angela Turnbull
“I have had such a great journey. Doing both the 10 and 12 Week Challenges has been enough time to make these changes seem almost routine. I am so grateful to you, Karen, and the work that you have done for us in creating your programs. They truly have altered my life!” – Dariol Haydock
“I am very pleased. With my success on Karen’s programs! I feel so much stronger, and I was even able to do a dip and a pull up that I couldn’t do at all before! I have ab muscles now at the top of my tummy between my ribs that I didn’t have before! Thank you so much for creating this program, Karen! Couldn’t have done this on my own!” – Viola Vanderuyt – Sidney
“I’m heading into my last week (next week) of my 12 week fitness challenge with Karen McCoy Fitness. Some of you know that I did her 10 week challenge late last year and had incredible results and took on this one soon after. Wow, what a journey it has been! I’m not done yet (one week and a bit left), but it feels like the right moment to give a testament to what consistent hard work and dedication and super focus can do to make a difference. Not just for myself, but I believe in anything you do.
I could not have done this without Karen and her dedication to a truly passionate work ethic in her training, clean eating and inner wisdom. It’s really difficult to describe in words what she can help accomplish for a person because it’s really what you decide to put in into it that makes the difference. For example, today, I did an intense focused chest and back workout. And because I’m at the gym 6-7 days a week, you get to know a lot of people but when you’re focused and at the gym this much you really don’t have time to chat.
Today, a lovely older gentleman who sees me every day and wanted to chat but all I did is smile and he knew, not today. Karen and her training in all areas, paves the way to success. My goal was not to lose weight but to tone and sculpt. Don’t get me wrong, you want to lose weight too, find Karen. I have accomplished the toning in almost every category of muscle. I still have a long ways to go but that’s because I’m hooked and I know I can still do so much more! I feel stronger, more confident and even my kids get it. All I can say, if you’re stuck personally, maybe even mentally, maybe physically, Karen can help in all aspects. Strength is found in the muscles of our body but so much is in our mental thinking and what we may or may not realize we can do. Thank you Karen and to all your dedication and hard work!” – Sue Hodgson, Publisher, Seaside Magazine, Sidney, BC
“I have really enjoyed the HLP program and it completely helped me lose all of my baby weight after #2. I can only hope that I have the same success after this baby. It has been so nice not having to think about which workout to do and to follow the program is very simple and workouts are great. Thanks Karen. I am so grateful for you and your programs!.” – Leanne Rowan
“I have LOVED every part of the challenge. I am proud that I have completed it and stuck it out! I am not as happy with my results, only because I know I didn’t give it what I should and could have these past 3 1/2 weeks. I did eat well and I worked out, but the power was not there. One thing that you helped me on during this challenge is realize that this is only the beginning, and 10 weeks is NOT enough time. I will continue working on and having a love affair with me! I LOVE how I feel, I am STRONG! I am a little warrior! I AM ME!” – Misti Miller, Florida
“It has been amazing to see the change happening to my body, both inside and outside! Thanks a million times over for creating such a great program, Karen. It was a great experience.” – Jessica Weirmier, Saudi Arabia
“I have been weight training since I was 15 years old. I forgot how to push myself until Karen reminded me. Now I’m enjoying the heavy weights again and all the pretty muscles that go with them.” – Kristeen Gordon, Alberta
“I HIGHLY recommend The 10 week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge. Karen has put together a program that is like no other…and trust me, I’ve tried every diet/fitness plan out there! She truly made me excited to check my email every Sunday night, which goes to show how Karen manages to make clean eating and working out both interesting and fun! If you simply do what Karen says, you will see results and feel great, both physically and mentally…and she will be there cheering for you throughout your journey. Thank you Karen! Though you are very true in saying that the 10 weeks “is not just about building the perfect bicep”… mine are looking pretty darn good after your challenge! :)” – Chloe Robinson
“Mark Twain said: “Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Eight weeks into the Challenge I can taste success! Thank-you for inspiring us to be great Karen!” – Susan Lees
“OMG Karen, I can’t believe what your program has done to my physique. I was laughing out loud at the computer last night while watching the legs video. While you were hammering your quads in the strip sets, you said, “That’s the difference between the girls and the women”. I often say this to myself to squeeze in another rep during my workouts!!! Thanks so much – you’ve changed my life!!! I wish I could get through this computer and hug you!!!!” – Jane Henson
“I can’t tell you how amazing I feel and how much my life has changed 🙂 I’ve lost 12 lbs and gained habits that I will have forever! Thank you so much for all your support, you’re an inspiration! “ – Kurstie Somner

“I have been meaning to drop you a note to let you know how much you have inspired me…you have (and the challenge) has made an amazing difference in how I feel, both mentally and physically….and I’m sure I will only get better! I am surprised at the comments I have got (especially about my arms)…even by a couple different women in Mexico…and my husband loves my firm butt!” – Darynn Cowan, Victoria
“Hard to believe that 12 weeks have gone by. I am truly happy with what I have accomplished – mostly that I know that it is possible and that I have found my passion! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and encouraging me to be the best me! You are a bright star and I am grateful to have been able to follow you I know the taking time for me is not a crime and I am a happier person for taking this step. Looking forward to more….!” – Jen Lastiwka
“Karen. I have enjoyed your emails your videos your friendship your inspiration, your food information, and more. All of it. What can I say? You’ve changed my life. From an advertisement on Facebook to a fit toned happy me and happy family life. My team and I go to Kelowna this weekend to compete we are in first place A division. We are the team to beat this year. Thank you for giving me back my strength to get these girls to where they are now. And to get my body mind and spirit on a healthy track! And thank you for the HLP, it’s an amazing place to learn.” – Jeannine Fitzsimmons – Head Coach SCVC U, Volleyball BC
“Hey Karen…just wanted to share….wearing a skirt today…walking down Pandora with my coffee and a twenty-something year old nice looking male was walking toward me and just before he passed me he said “nice legs”….wow….made my day…and all thanks to you!!!!” – Darynn Cowan
“Karen is awesome!! I’ve done personal trainers before and was never really happy. Depending on the trainer depended on the intensity but it wasn’t the whole package you would get. They didn’t discuss diet and the space you need to be in to succeed. I loved the 12 week challenge. The intensity kept going up every 3 weeks which kept you motivated and seeing the results gave you motivation to strive for more. I really liked having everything written down of what I needed to do and keeping track of what I did. You really focused on the eating which I am a firm believer is the biggest part of how you can change your body. You can work out hard but if you don’t eat for it you won’t get the results. I worked out hard before but was a total carb junkie and it showed. I was soft!! I eat way more protein now than carbs and it shows. Thank you so much Karen for all the work you put into the program! You put your heart and soul into it. I can see the rewards you get it is to see the results we get. You helped create us!! Looking forward to carrying it on with the HLP and see more changes in my body in the months to come!!” – Teresa Ruygrok
“I took part in Karen’s 10 Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge. At that time, I had been working on weight loss for four months and had lost just over 40 pounds. I was exercising regularly and was feeling very good about myself. Then along came Karen and her 10 week challenge! I was very nervous and wondered if I could do it at my age (56 years). Plus I didn’t feel comfortable in a gym and three weeks of the challenge I was going to be on vacation. But I decided to give it a try and all I can say is, “Wow!” I was delighted to lose another 12 pounds and 9 more inches by the end of The Challenge. But what excited me the most was how my body shape changed. I lost body fat, gained muscle and took on shape and definition. Now I feel strong and healthy. When I walk I can feel my muscles flexing all the way down from my backside to my calves. It is such an amazing feeling! I love going to the gym now and working out with weights and seeing how much stronger and healthier I am getting. I have more confidence in myself and in what I am capable of doing. Who says you have to look old just because you are growing older? I look younger now than I did ten years ago. And I’m continuing to set new goals for myself and loving it! I’m delighted I took the challenge. Thank you, Karen!” – Linda Batten – 56 years young, Victoria BC
“I HIGHLY recommend The 10 week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge. Karen has put together a program that is like no other…and trust me, I’ve tried every diet/fitness plan out there! She truly made me excited to check my email every Friday night, which goes to show how Karen manages to make clean eating and working out both interesting and fun! If you simply do what Karen says, you will see results and feel great, both physically and mentally…and she will be there cheering for you throughout your journey. Thank you Karen! Though you are very true in saying that the 10 weeks “is not just about building the perfect bicep”… mine are looking pretty darn good after your challenge! :)” – Angela Lee
“Karen, I just wanted to say thank you :)! There are a couple of really great things that happened as a result of my doing the challenge with you and I wanted to share. I realized I am capable of so much more than I thought I was. Every time I go in the gym and do a workout I connect with my own power and strength, not just physically but emotionally/spiritually as well. This was the perfect timing for me to do the challenge as it fell right on my Saturn. This is a time where I’ve been coming into my own and my own power and doing this has been a big part of that. As well, This program really got me on track and now I have the tools to keep on track. I feel good about what I have accomplished and now I am motivated to stick with it. And… Results! I felt so good after I got the body fat % from you yesterday that I went and had one of the best workouts I’ve had yet!” – Kali Douglas
“My body fat went from 31% to 24% and I lost 9 inches. I’m so happy with my new body! Thanks Karen!” – Joan Tocher, Florida.
“What I have really noticed at the end of this is how much my strength has improved. This was my main motivation for joining the challenge. In all the years I have been going to the gym I have never paid much attention to weights. I always considered cardio to be the best thing for fitness. Boy was I wrong! You have taught me not only how to lift weights but the reason why it is so important. I am truly grateful for your program. It is very well suited for my lifestyle. My husband thinks you rock!!! So again, thank you. You are a true inspiration to women!” – Kirsty Jackson
“Karen, I feel so strong and my mind is powerful this time around! I have so much energy and am pumped every morning I wake up to go and challenge myself to the day ahead. I crave going to the gym now. Wow, I never would have said that before.. Lol! Thank you so much!” – Brandy Clark-Dye
“Haven’t felt this good in years! Bring it on! I’m grateful I found you Karen!” – Ang Bridgman, Vancouver, BC
“Karen, thanks for all the good weight training guides. I am happy to tell you that I have been going to the gym 4-5 days (if it’s 4, I ride my road bike for cardio on the 5th day). Thanks to your knee tips, I have had no knee pain. 🙂 I am gradually increasing the weights. The other good news is that my shoulder pain is markedly diminished. – Thanks !”- Eleanor Sinclair, Florida

“I am so thrilled with how far I’ve come, and this is just the start! Thanks for designing a program that I love, that fits my life, and that shows awesome results if you’re willing to commit. You get what you give!” – Tanya Lee, Victoria, BC
“You and your program have made a huge difference in my life and I look forward to continuing the journey!” – Janis Schultz, Victoria
“Karen, I don’t know how to tell you how lucky and blessed I feel that I found you and your program just about a year ago, well rounded fitness, nutrition and the spiritual stuff :).the whole meal deal, I have held you in high praise to anyone who asks me what I am doing and have passed your information onto others!. Others have seen the “Karen McCoy” way! I love it!” – Dawn Boyle, Sooke, BC
“Karen, I have turned my life around so much with your guidance. Even though I am in the health/fitness field and have been for most of my life I had resisted alot of what you teach – meat protein, whey protein isolate, fats, carbs, training, lowering cardio. Nothing else has ever kept my feet so firmly planted on the ground. In the back of my head I always knew that it was the right way to go but I had a four letter word stopping me – FEAR. Fear that I would get fat, fear I would do it wrong, fear it wouldn’t work, fear of looking good, fear of being the woman I am meant to be, fear of accepting that I needed guidance, fear, fear, fear,….
You took that fear away and I know that I have blossomed in a very humble way. Your approach is so very personal. I have never once felt alone. In the gym you and the ladies are with me – pushing me gently to try a few extra pounds. So what if I can only lift it 6 x – lower the weight and finish the set. Because of your programs and guidance my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my brain is working the best it ever has. I would be very sad if you had to shut down your on line programs but I understand how much work, emotion, thought and heart goes into them. I will continue to talk to others about your programs. The person has to be ready to make this kind of commitment.
If we could only fast forward a person 3 months into your programs then they would be sold! It is an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning and feel good, have energy throughout the day, for the most part not have cravings gnawing at me all day. I could go on and on…. I love your programs, your guidance, your personal touch. These are the things that have me on the right track to be a better person in all areas of my life. Thank you!” – Georgina Blankenship, Aylmer, Ontario
“I struggled with inner motivation and feeling comfortable in a gym for a long time. It’s easy to lose weight (I’ve done it a ton of times and that didn’t guarantee I was in great shape) but through sticking with your program, I, who always needed a strict routine and a slave-driver trainer, am now starting to do it for me because of your program which is not just about the body, but the nutrition, the psych and learning your inner strength, and it didn’t come right away. It came with you going over and over your lessons saying it in so many different ways.
Please don’t give up on those who have little faith in themselves. They have it inside. They just don’t see it yet but if they want it bad enough or their situation gets bad enough that they’re ready to make small changes and not be so hard on themselves (that was me and still is some days) … just putting one foot in front of the other, then things DO shift. I’m loving going to the gym now FOR MYSELF because I want to, not because I’m being pressured or bullied or guilted or doing it for somebody else or, or, or …… As for women who are comfortable in a gym, I thought that was not for me until you offered your program and I thought now I have the opportunity to learn how to use the equipment, learn the etiquette with somebody I trust and learn it’s not as intimidating as I once thought. PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing!!!” – Eileen Coste
“People said that I’d see and feel a difference after 4 to 6 weeks of training. Four weeks have passed, and I must agree, they were right! I feel so much stronger and that translates into ‘good’!” – Sue O’Reilly
“Karen’s program was the best money I’ve spent on myself in a long time! Karen is a wealth of information about all that interests me as a woman in her 40’s. After each session, I felt empowered to make changes to how I live my life: from how I treat my body, to what I serve my family. The information is presented in an easy to understand manner, so you leave feeling, “no problem, I can do this!” I found myself wanting to stay after each session and squeeze out more information from Karen! She has a fabulous way of connecting with people and motivating them to live consciously. One look at her and you know she walks her talk, which for me shows me that ageing has no limits! She is an inspiration!” – Kim Bull

“I can’t say enough positive comments about this course. It has changed my lifestyle in a very positive and permanent way. The timing of the course was perfect for me – knowledge at a time when I am ready to walk the walk!. Thanks Karen!” – Shannon Johnsen
“I joined Karen’s 10 week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge” as it was something new to me and it sounded interesting. My goal was not to lose weight but to tone and possibly compete in the future. I am very happy with my results. Not only do I feel stronger and healthy, my complexion has also improved. The knowledge that I have gained has helped me make healthy lifestyle changes that I am confident I can maintain. Thanks Karen!” – Deanna Pfeifer
“I was always afraid that if I lifted heavy weights, I would get bulky, but with Karen’s guidance, I leaned out and slimmed down. Now my body has amazing definition and tone, exactly what I wanted! Thanks again Karen!” – Lesley Arnold (Dance Instructor), Sidney, BC
“Lifting weights makes me feel strong with the added bonus of looking awesome, and who doesn’t want that?! I wanted to have a strong, well defined body and now I’m a cover girl in my own world!” – Angela Turnbull, Central Saanich, BC
“I cannot believe how much my body shape has changed within 6 short weeks and I had a lot of fun doing it. What I learned is we cannot expect our bodies to change with exercise alone. The body workout truly requires the accompaniment of not only nutrition and mind/spirit workouts, but a guide who not only walks the talk but is as knowledgeable and is as skilled at teaching as you. Now that I have these new found skills under my “weight belt” :), I know I will be better able to utilize your on-line programs to their fullest. Thank you so much Karen!.” – Eileen Coste
“Dear Karen: Thank you so much for offering the Women on Weights program. I have wanted to take a class from you for some time now and I can’t tell you how much I learned in such a short time. You are a great teacher and certainly inspire your students to challenge themselves. I wanted to learn to use weights effectively and safely and I feel very confident in the gym now. I also lost 5 pounds and 2 inches off my waist when those weren’t even my goals. You gave us a tremendous amount of information and also just your honest opinion… which is so valuable. You also gave so much of your time outside the constraints of the 3 hours/week course. I feel that your students really know that you care and that you want them to be successful. Good luck in your upcoming competition. We all got a little taste of what you have to go through to compete and the level of dedication required. See you at the gym!” Patricia Shapka
“For anyone who is looking to get in shape I HIGHLY recommend this 10 week challenge to get you started I have been a client of Karen McCoy for 5 years now & the programs she offer are amazing and awesome!” – Leanne Rowan, Victoria, BC
“I finished the 10 week challenge at the end of 2014 and I cannot say enough about the program and Karen’s training technique and knowledge of the industry. I’m now onto the 12 week advanced one starting this Friday with Karen and cannot wait to see what is next …the challenge is not necessarily about losing weight but if that’s your goal you will! For me it was about toning, sculpting and learning more about weight training and how relevant it is. I’m 48 and I honestly never believed that my body could change at my age…it has!! Seriously, you’re worth it!!” – Sue Hodgson, North Saanich, BC
“I’ve never seen a program like this in my life (and I’m almost 58 years old). Karen provides high calibre information that she draws from years of training and teaching experience and does it in a supportive, non-judgmental way. The rest is up to you. You get out what you put in. I felt like I was training with a good friend. This program is not just about being on a diet. It covers the whole spectrum of body, mind, and spirit. I lost just over 12 pounds in 10 weeks while working out at my own local fitness studio; and, my husband lost 20 pounds as a result of me just asking him to support me (rather than nag him to come on board with me). I love being into fitness and not into fatness, and want to keep going with this new lifestyle. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Karen!” – Eileen Coste – North Saanich, BC
“If you want your body to stand the test of time, then this program is for you. Karen McCoy’s no-nonsense, logical approach to fitness, health and wellness empowers you to conquer life’s detours and sets you on the wellness path so that all you have to do is keep on going!” – Karen Walters-Edgar
“The Best Shape of Your Life Challenge was fantastic. It motivated me to commit to a fitness plan because I felt so good doing it. I make time for me now and enjoy every minute of it. I am pumped and ripped!” – Marg Yandel
“Karen McCoy has been facilitating Health and Wellness Seminars with us for several years. Karen is engaging, informative, knowledgeable and relate-able. She is inspiring, mindful and patient with them. After the work shop there is a difference in their attitude about food, health and exercise. Karen models the ideals and lifestyle that she teaches and that makes a difference in the power of her presentation.” –Lana Millott, CCDP, Beacon Community Services, Sidney and Victoria
“Over the past 7 years Karen McCoy presented Health & Wellness workshops to government funded/employment programs which I facilitated. She presented to over 20 of our groups and we received excellent feedback from the clients. Clients found the content of workshops relevant, innovative, helpful, and informative in regards to concrete steps they can take to improve their health and wellness. Karen has an engaging way of presenting the information. Additionally, with my family I attended a health & wellness workshop put on by Karen at a local recreation centre and I was impressed with it and found it helpful.” – Jeremy P. Springboard Program, Beacon Community Services, Victoria
“I wanted to add my thanks and appreciation to the presentation from Karen McCoy The presentation was engaging and was well attended by staff male and female and everyone commented on what a powerful presentation it was. Her honest down to earth presentation style is refreshing and I know staff including myself are enthusiastic to read the book and get started; “One Rep At A Time” ~ Sue Klokeid,Manager, WorkSafe BC
“Thanks so much for everything you have taught me in the past 10 weeks… I absolutely LOVED your program! I have never been able to stick to a goal but with you and this program it made it easy for me. I am living proof that if you put your mind to it you can achieve it! You have all the knowledge with what needs to happen in each weeks email, and I love how organized everything was, there was never a point that I got overwhelmed or didn’t know what it was I needed to do. Thank you again and I look forward to the 12 week Challenge!” – Brandy Dye
“When I felt like I needed some help to feel more energized and healthy I turned to Karen. I signed up for her 10 week best challenge program. Well I never looked back! Starting from scratch is what I needed. I liked the way she worked through diet and exercise each week. My gym workouts got stronger and stronger, that coupled with the new diet brought results. My body started tightening up my muscles started to show and most important I had more energy and felt great! Karen takes so much pride in her program and cares deeply about all her participants that’s what sets her apart. She is always there to answer questions and share her years of experience with us.” – Georgia Wiggins, Victoria, BC
“WOW, this program really works! I’m down 13 pounds and 8% body fat. Karen was there for me the entire way, answering emails and providing encouragement. I’m so thrilled I’m signing up for the 12 week challenge too. THANKS Karen!” – Toni Sudul
“Almost three years ago, April 20, 2009 I decided after my son was born and looking into the mirror that I wanted my body back. I wanted to be strong, and lean…I wanted to feel beautiful inside and out. I wanted to somehow transform what I had been staring at and criticizing for 6 long years and two pregnancies to become something I would be proud of. I had always put a time limit on it, in 3 months this, or 6 months that. I started with weight watchers, and how terrible I would feel each week if I stepped on that metal scale if it said I had gained or not, I began referring to them as the weight Natzi’s. I stopped going finally after seeing results from the local Y. Staying at the Y for some time, I decided that it was too much of a distraction of sorts.
I wanted to go someplace that was strictly a gym. No fuss, no classes, just weights and machines. I found Planet Fitness. It was there, I felt at home. No one judging me, no one paying attention, no “skinny” girls pretending to go to classes in their skimpy outfits, just weights and sweat. Watching many of the women and men using weights, I wanted that. I started working out with a trainer in February last year, he was very hard on me. I loved it. He still pushes me. But the most important stumble of all, is seeing on a friend’s Facebook page that he was following you….Karen McCoy. I “liked” the link, looked it up and was excited to see what I wanted to become. I want the lean, sculpted muscle…I want that confidence that comes from within. I am slowly getting there, and I must say with a full time job, an almost three year old and 6 year old and a 20 year old in college, choir, bible study, it has been so very difficult to stick with it and maintain the passion for it….You have shown me that it takes time, dedication, love, and an understanding to get where you want to be physically and mentally. I am not even close to where I want to be, but this journey so far looking back, has been one of love. Love for who I am, and love for who I want to become…it is a love affair with myself just as you said….and I am learning everyday just who this person really is. If it takes 5, 10, or even 15 more years to think I am where I want to be….then so be it…I love the journey. I want to say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” – Amy Druitz
for the 40+ woman!