for the 40+ woman!

The Real McCoy!

My Merry Xmas video from…where else…the gym! Hubby and I thought we’d go do a few squats before our turkey dinner tomorrow….gotta keep those treats off the thighs and butt somehow!

Many thanks for everyone’s support over the year, and let’s look forward to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012! See you on the other side!

Karen and family!

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I have a love / hate relationship with Starbucks.

I love their coffee. I’m an Americano freak, I have two a day, no cream, just straight up. Problem is, there’s that lovely pastry case sitting right there, at the check-out counter, filled with cookies, bars, cakes, and my all-time favourite…chocolate brownies.

I love chocolately-cake-like things….they’re sooo soothing, rich and creamy. But I learned a long time ago that they don’t love me. In fact, I might was well just forgo the eating part and just rub them directly on my butt! Cause that’s where they end up eventually anyway. 🙁

About 2 years ago I decided to get off the weight-gain weight-loss rollercoaster for life. In my sport of choice (body building / figure) most competitors do the old yo-yo thing…they get lean for contest, and the rest of the time they’re bigger than usual, usually with 20-40 extra pounds on them.

I just got tired of it. I wanted to feel and look good all year long. So I decided to get off the roller-coaster for good. But I knew all too well that any lifestyle change requires a shift inside.

So I made ‘the shift’: I decided that every time I was confronted with a lovely display of cookies and cakes, and yes, even brownies, I would see it as an opportunity to grow stronger in my conviction and to re-confirm my commitment, my new lifestyle, to myself.

And it worked. Now, when I buy an Americano, I breeze on past the pastry display without fanfare. I know how much hard work it takes to stay light and lean, and I’m not about to ruin it with a 450-calorie whollop of sugar and transfats. In fact, I silently thank that little brownie sitting there, all soft and gooey on that shelf, for helping me to get stronger within myself, and to remind me that I’m in control. It’s not about denial. I’ve moved past that. It’s about reclaiming my power. It’s a lifelong process, but it definately gets easier with time.

Will I ever eat a brownie again? You bet! But it’ll be a planned event, a once in awhile thing, and I’ll be in control of it, and I’ll eat that little brownie with all the respect in the world!

And I’ll wash it down with a black Americano, of course! Yum!


PS My 10-Week Challenge is filling up fast! ON SALE – $40 off the regular price. Starts  January 9th (we even build in cheat days)! And for those ladies wanting to take it to the top, check out my 12-Week Challenge… Train, eat and live the life! Not sure which one is right for you? Check it out HERE!

I’m often asked what the best kind of exercise is to stay fit, healthy, lean and happy. My answer is the same – determine what your goals are and create a lifestyle program based on that.

It’s simple really. For some people, exercise is a recreational thing, golf, hiking, biking, and that’s what makes you happiest, then do that 3-5 times a week. It’s likely less about ‘looks’ and more about having daily interractive and fun activities to do. Cool!

For others, it might be a certain philosophy…perhaps pilates or yoga would suit you? You may love that full-out burn when you train, and you love a personal challenge…so perhaps Crossfit or Bootcamp would suit you.

Do you like the look of a Zumba dancer, a boxer, a ballernia? Is it a lifestyle you want to emulate (very important point if you want to stick with it.)

For me, since day one, I always enjoyed the art of shaping my body. I wanted to see it change year after year, and I wanted broader shoulders and a smaller butt (My goal in life!). I wanted it to stay strong and tight well into my fifties and beyond, so weight training was my exercise of choice.

At the end of the day, determine your deepest desires, and find someone who practices that practice. If you like ultimate shape and tone, or you like the look of the fitness gals in Oxygen magazine, then do weight training. If you prefer a softer approach, then try bootcamp or plyometrics or bodyweight exercise programs.

Find someone who you want to look like in body, and emulate in health and spriti, and ask them what they do for exercise (and how they eat). Then follow in their footsteps and stick with it, 3-5 days a week. Then do the work. (For me, it was women like Rachel McLish and Cory Everson who I watched transform their health and bodies for over 20 years, and they’re still going – Rachel’s now 53 years young (right)).

The world is your oyster…..

Last week, I graduated 15 lovely women from my 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge….

Sarah Watts, from Cranbrook, joined the Challenge after hearing about it from her sister-in-law, a Challenger Graduate herself.    

I love lifting weights. This Challenge has been exactly what I needed. Not only do I fit into my ‘skinny’ pants, but my confidence is going way up again too! Plus, I love the muscle tone I am developing and I’m looking forward to continuing the process!”

Misti Miller from Florida found out about the Challenge through Facebook, and brought her tenacity and passion to the process, with great results. 

I have LOVED every part of the challenge.  I am proud that I have completed it and stuck it out!  One thing that you helped me on during this challenge is realize that this is only the beginning, and 10 weeks is NOT enough time.  I will continue working on and having a love affair with me!  I LOVE how I feel, I am STRONG! I am a warrior!  I AM ME!”

My next 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge starts January 9th, and it’s on SALE NOW. Only 20 seats! And I’ve added on an Advanced 12-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge too…for the serious woman wanting serious results. 

They say 2012 is the year of all years. So get on the path today…and join us!

Because it’s all about YOU!

PS Why not Give the GIFT OF HEALTH this Christmas and purchase a Xmas Gift Certificate for a family or friend to take part in a Challenge or my Healthy Living Program.

How? It’s easy…I’ll send them a Healthy Gift Certificate at Xmas (see sample below) or you can print it off and pop it under the Xmas tree for them, and voila…they’re on the road to a healthy, fit, shapely 2012!

Best Shape Challenge XMAS GIFT Certificate SAMPLE.

Healthy LIving Program XMAS GIFT Certificate SAMPLE

Email me with any questions. Until then, stay well! (PS Remember, only 20 seats in each Challenge!)

Last night, I attended the Fit Life Fitness Competition in Victoria, with guest speaker / clean-eating guru Tosca Reno. Her and her hubby, Robert Kennedy, had just flown in from Toronto to support the show. I was excited to finally meet my mentor…and I don’t mean Tosca.

Don’t get me wrong. I love Tosca like everyone else. She has done so much to help educate us all about the necessity of clean eating, and she’s a great ambassador for women wanting to get lean, shapely and healthy, and she herself epitomizes health, grace and beauty. But I was after her husband…in an honest kind of way!

See, when I first started lifting in my home-made gym 30 years ago, It was Robert’s pictures that graced my gym wall – pics of Arnold, Franco, Rachel and Carla. (He was the physique photographer at that time).

And when I got deeper into training, I leafed thru issues of MuscleMag Magazine, the industry’s first mag on hard-core training, still in publication today (He is also the creator and publisher of Oxygen Magazine). Robert was the first-ever to tell women to lift heavy and lift hard, in order to lose weight, tighten, tone and to create sexy, shapely bodies.

It was a special night for another reason too – the show was being held at the Royal Theatre, where I did my first-ever competition 20 years ago – the Gold’s Classic – which I won. Unknown to me, my now-husband was sitting in the crowd with his then-wife, cheering on that girl from Whistler in the tiny black bathing suit (me). Ten years later, we would meet and marry.

We talked about his work, and we laughed about the fact that my husband still has dozens of MuscleMag magazines from thirty years ago sitting in our basement that he won’t get rid of (I’ve tried, believe me!).

As we turned to leave, I asked for one more picture of us. As we hugged, he reached over, squeezed my waist and said, ‘Not bad….about 17 percent?’

Bang on, Robert. You always were the best!


In Japan, they have a practice called hara hachi bu. Basically, it teaches one to eat only until you’re 80 percent full. This helps them to live longer and stay in better health.

Other cultures practice similar things: the Aryuvedic tradition in India advises eating until you are 75 percent full. The Chinese specify 70 percent full. The prophet Muhammad described a full belly as one that had 1/3 food, 1/3 liquid and 1/3 air. In Germany, they say: “You need to tie off the sack before it gets completely full.”

I learned this practice about 20 years ago and I’ve been practicing it ever since. In our household, we often eat our biggest meal in the late afternoon. Our smaller dinner is done by 6:30 (there are a few exceptions, of course) and we forgo the late-night snacking. If we have a craving, it’s butterless popcorn – the mini bag – split between us.

Problem is, most people can’t (or don’t want to) grasp this concept. They think it’s living in denail, without pleasure. Really? To me, living with a bloated belly and excess weight is not how I want to go through life. Not anymore, anyway. 

I always say, if you want to be fit and lean and stay that way, then you have to think like a fit and lean person. It’s not about denial or going without. People ‘like us’ just think differently. We want to feel good. We want to be well. We see food as both a pleasure and a gateway to an amazingly healthy and vibrant life.  

Try hara hachi bu, if only for a few days. Not only will you feel great, pretty soon you’ll learn what many of us have already learned, that the true path to health and wellness must first come from within.

Change your thinking, change your life!


PS A Reminder that my next Lift n Lose class starts November 7th, and sign up has begun for my monthly Keep it Up Class starts November 1st! Limited class size! For more info, please CLICK HERE!

When I take on clients, I know that the toughest part of my job is not necessarily teachings them how to lift, what kinds of exercises to do, or even how to eat well. The toughest part is helping them to see how their inner beliefs may be limiting their best efforts.

Us trainers repeat our mantras about the importance of ‘commitment’, lerning how to ‘prioritize’, and staying ‘on schedule’, but these things can conjure up more feelings of pressure and guilt.

Let’s dig a little deeper.

The successful client is the one that sees her training and clean eating from another perspective: an empowering one that says it’s good – no, necessary – to train and eat well.

I made this shift awhile ago…yes, I had always been interested in good health but it was also about looking good. But when my son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy years ago, I was struck with the undeniable truth that he would soon lose all function with time. 

Despite my fit body and clean lifestyle, I was overwhelmed with fear, sadness and guilt – guilt at being able to strengthen my body while I watched my son’s muscles slowly deteriorate. How dare I be so selfish? I didn’t train for a full five years.

Then, one night while he lay sleeping, I sat beside him, stroking his tiny chest, and I made him a vow – to do whatever I could to support him in his journey.

And that’s when it shifted for me: I had to stay healthy for him, in order to help him through his years of declining strength. My being able to train was a gift to him, to all of us. I got rid of the guilt and replaced it with something greater: if good health was my gift, then I could use it to help him.

Today I teach women everywhere that training is the greatest act of self-love you can practice. Park your guilt at the door, nix the excuses, file your doubt away and go in and ‘love yourself into health’ with every lift.

To love yourself means being healthy, whole and all you can be. And that means committing to keeping your body strong and capable.

Do it for them. But mostly, do it for you. And know that you deserve it.


Life is hard, but with every knock, there is the opportunity for something better around each corner. It’s the wise and brave woman (or man) who owns it, and moves into it with grace and inner resolve. 

  • If someone butts in line ahead of you, move back to give them more space.
  • If someone tries to hurt you, see them for who they really are, the hurting one.
  • If someone attacks you, stand firm and see it as an opportunity to practice quiet strength.

Life will always give you what you most need to learn.

If you’re stuck in challenge, strife, competition, adversity, see it as a way of drawing out the best in you, and open up to it.

At the end of the day, growing is less painful than not growing. 

Be well.


We’re all feeling it these days…more strife, more challenge, more chaos. People are angrier that usual, more selfish, more steeped in fear and anger. Relationships are breaking down at an unprecedented pace. Perhaps yours is one one of the many casualties.

I certainly have been feeling it the last year or so…loads of challenges in my personal and public life, like you. People are less patient, more gossipy…heck, people are even laying on their car horns more these days! It’s like living in Mexico!

It’s all written in the stars. Has been for a long, long time. Some call it the Culmination. Others call it the Time of Reckoning. Still others call it The End.

I call it 2012. That’s when they say the world will change….indeed.

What’s going on? Well, seems we’re shifting from the Age of Pisces, which lasted 2,160 years, to Aquarius, whose birth is taking place as you read these words. In other words, we are in an astrological twilight zone where one age is overlapping with another: one age is dying and another is being born, the old and the new will exist side by side for a time.

The two opposites are colliding: an awakening of the spiritual is hitting up against our traditional material world of power, force, control. This is the root cause of all this madness we’re feeling. For a while, it will feel as though we are being pulled in different directions…crazy, out of line. However, with time, the influence of Aquarius will become stronger and things will settle in. 

I see it as a time of sifting out, really: when all is said and done, there will be two camps – those that elevate into the New Way will live with fresh eyes and a new set of values and beliefs based on inclusion, peace and, yes, love. 

And for those that fight it and stay in the lower energies – anger, control, fear – well, they’ll be having a tough time of it all. 

You may not believe all this stuff but it’s not magical. It’s all quite scientific, really. Mathematical even. It’s like gravity: whether you believe in it or not, it still affects you. Just read your history. Study astrology. No need to be surprised…it’s been predicted for a very, very long time. These times are a’changin’…

How will I weather the storm? Well, I’m practicing bucketloads of forgiveness, trying to stay grounded, trying to stay open and be responsible with my words and actions. Easy? Nope. Necessary? It is for me. How about you?

So hang on my dear friends. It’s going to be a very bumpy ride indeed……


PS And please, lay off your horns!

When I first started weight training, it was all about the physical…building nice arms, tighter glutes, raising my metabolism, and losing weight.

Then life knocked me off my feet, and my training went with it. After 8 years of ill health, I came back with a fresh persepctive and new appreciation for all things, including my physical health. I made training my spiritual practice.

Most people in the gym want to zone out, to get it over with, to be on their way. After 30 years, I’ve learned to muscle into every moment – both in the gym and outside – with focus and thankfulness. I’ve learned to make my workouts my Zen practice, and you can too.

Enjoy my 4 pointers for making your lifting a true body – mind – spiritual experience which will take you, and your training and results, to new heights.

– Lift because you want to be well.
– Lift to connect to something greater than yourself.
– Lift out of a reverence for all life.
– Lift because you can.

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