for the 40+ woman!

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Our recent 10-Week Challenge Luncheon at my home is always something I look forward to. Each participant brings something yummy to eat, and we eat and talk about our journey over the last 10 weeks.

It’s so interesting how each lady weighed in on a different facet of the journey. Some ladies said they now look at a plate of food differently, or they look at what others are eating and realize they too used to eat that way (and they too thought it was healthy). They can now see more clearly when / how they procrastinate with their own healthy living efforts, and recognize how and when they question their success and sabotage their efforts.

See, something like the 10-Week Best Shape Challenge is not just about losing weight (there is always some woman who says she doesn’t need to join because she doesn’t need to lose weight). It’s about finding your power again, recognizing your worth, and knowing that life can indeed begin at 40 (or 50, or 35), and that the body can change, indeed, in amazing ways, regardless of its age.

See, us older women (in my book, that’s 40+) are the largest population group on this planet, but we are still not being catered to in the proper way. (If I see another 20+ trainer putting another 40+ woman through burpees, I think I’ll go insane!). We need someone who knows about hormones, juggling career with family, having acquired injury, being on medication….we need someone to validate us and hear us!

That’s why I do what I do…because I know how women feel. I’ve been there. Heck, I’m still there, juggling career with family, struggling to fit in fitness amongst all the other things I must do in a day, watching certain bodyparts sag, mopping up after hot flashes….LOL!

And all the women on the Challenges have these, or similar, issues. We share, support, and know that we are not in this alone. That’s why so much of what I teach is spiritual / emotional stuff, life stuff, really. And I don’t pretend to have all the answers…but we just keep on trying…

We are a powerful force, us women, and we deserve to be supported and aided along in our journey in the best way possible, for the Warrior Women that we are! And that’s my promise to you: to try to give you what you need in a sincere, supportive and honest way, and to help move you forward in whatever way I can.

Onward Warrior Women! We’ve still got a lot left to do in this lifetime…!

PS We have 3 days left to sign up for my Spring / Summer 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge….we starts Friday April 11th! Next Challenge does not run again until September! (Challenger Graduates, you now qualify to join the 12-Week Advanced Best Shape Challenge…!). Let’s get Summer-Ready, ladies!


Access TV (pt. 1)



Access TV (pt. 2)



Access TV (pt. 3)



Access TV (pt. 4)


What is it?


Lift ‘n Lose™ and Women on Weights was created by Figure Competitor Karen McCoy of Victoria, BC. Karen’s goal: to teach women how to successfully shape and tone their bodies through the fine art of strength training.



What do classes look like?


Everything is based on Karen’s motto – “You gotta lift weights to lose weight!” In her classes, participants will be shown how to lift weights for maximum results using dumbbells, barbells, and machines. Clients start the journey using Karen’s Whole Body program, then move into a Double and Triple Split program for maximum shaping and toning! Pre and post body and fat measurements will be done. Topics include: how to eat to boost your metabolism, healthy fats, carb timing, calorie zig zagging, sugars and sweeteners, supplements, and cleansing. Clients will also experience the power of Karen’s 5-Day Carb Challenge and the McCoy Mini Juice Fast.



Is Lift n Lose and Women on Weights similar?
Yes, this is the same course just taught at two different facilities. The workouts, nutrition and lifestyle info is the same. (Please note you must be a PAK member to sign up for Women on Weights).


How long is the course?


Classes run 3 times a week, 1 hour in length. The program is 6 weeks long. Participants are required to provide an email address, as this is how Karen distributes much of the information. *Note: There is no refund for missed classes.


How do we see results?


We take your body fat, weight and body measurements at the start and end of the program. In this way, we can measure the results! But more than that, clients report feeling more energized, losing the weight, and looking more shapely!


I already know a lot about nutrition.


No you don’t. Not really. Karen teaches science-based nutrition principals (not market or corporate) coupled with her real-life experience to help you learn how to lose the weight, while cleaning and energizing each and every cell!


Will I see results?


Yes! If you follow Karen’s training and nutrition advice, you will definitely see results! (Testimonials at the bottom of this page).


What other things do you include?


Clients learn about organic foods, natural cleaners, detoxification, supplements, herbs and more. Karen’s popular 5-day carb challenge and her 36-hour mini Juice Fastare also included. A FREE tour through the local health food store to learn about supplements, alternative foods, immune boosters etc. is provided.


Is there support outside of class?


db6Yes. Karen provides non-stop articles and videos on training, nutrition, and lifestyle through her popular web site ( ). Karen is always available via email to answer any questions clients may have.


GREAT! How do I get more info?


Please download my Studio 8 Brochure.


You can also email me at .





6 weeks, 18 sessions

– $299.00 + tax.



check back real soon….

9 am – 10 am at Studio 8 (4 spots)


2014 classes


To be announced…





Michelle Bourgeois, N. Saanich BC


















“I always thought cardio was the answer…no way, weight training’s the key thing. Lift n Lose taught me everything I needed to get to where I am now. I feel great!”


Lesley Arnold, Sidney BC








“The myth about women bulking up by lifting heavy weights is just untrue. Karen kept pushing me, and taught me so much about nutrition, and I thought I knew a lot! I loved Lift n Lose and I love how I look and feel now!”


Janice LeBlanc, Sidney BC





“Not only is Karen McCoy motivational, she adds so much more with nutrition and diet information as well. This is a life changing program that I can truly recommend!”

“The Challenge was what I needed to lose that dreaded last 10 lbs. After having kids I struggled with losing that last bit of weight, especially in the stomach, and with the weight training and the nutrition info it really was what I needed. It was very motivational and I highly recommend it!



I not only lost that extra 10 lbs, but a few more came off and my body was toned and
I definitely look at the way I eat in a whole new way. I lost 14 pounds and I went from 23% body fat to 16%!


Now I’m on Karen’s HLP maintenance program, and I love the weekly info on nutrition, the work outs, the extras that Karen does to help us out! And the weight has stayed off! Many thanks Karen!”



Lesley Arnold, Sidney, BC


“Before I enrolled in Karen’s 10-Week Best Shape Challenge I was working out at the gym on my own but I had hit a ‘plateau ‘. I was not losing weight or advancing my gym routine. Karen taught me how to work out with intensity, and how much weight I should be lifting.



Now I can see the results and others have complemented me on my progress. It feels great! I’ve learned so much about nutrition! I never thought I’d clean up my eating habits as much as I have and I feel the difference and enjoy eating with health in mind. I don’t miss the junk food!


Karen has a true passion for helping others live a healthier lifestyle. She is constantly researching & writing new articles on all aspects of health – nutrition, exercise, spirituality – and passing them along through her blogs, emails and the Healthy Living Program website. I feel very fortunate to be able to tap into her knowledge and experience as a trainer and competitive athlete. Karen has been able to keep me focused and inspired. She delivers more than promised. Thanks Karen!!!



Leanne LePrairie, Victoria, BC


“It isn’t often we can find everything we need in one stop. Karen McCoy is doing just that and delivering up a life altering program in a totally powerful, holistic and knowledgeable way.


I entered the 10 week challenge April 12, 2010 at 132.8 pounds and came out of it June 16 at 122.8 pounds. I also lost 5.7% body fat, 3 inches on my waist and 1.25 inches on my hips. My health is incredible and my attitude even better. I feel sexy and younger than ever.


I am now on Karen’s Healthy Living Program and go to the gym as part of my regular day/week – and I LOVE IT. I’ve lost 2 more pounds and I am sure those pipes of mine are looking even more beautiful.


I am extremely fussy about who I select to follow in anything in life. I chose Karen because of her energy, knowledge, depth, spirit and total commitment to living, eating and working out (it helps that I’d sure like to look like her too!). She is energetic, committed and a hard worker and she has a deep caring and devotion for her clients. She provides ongoing inspiration and something that really works for me – a heap of education and information! This has allowed me to create my own foundation for independently moving into a future of working out and eating healthy. Thanks again Karen!”



Sherry Lipp, Vancouver, BC


“I went into the Challenge wanting to lose my excess baby fat. After 5 children, I really wanted to get back in shape.


So I signed up with the Challenge and went for it! Prior to that, I attended Karen’s weekly weight training classes, and with her guidance and constant reinforcements, I started losing the baby fat! So I decided to give the Challenge a try.


In total, I went from 175 to 145 pounds and I lost 7 per cent body fat! And I won the Most Improved Overall Shape award! I’m thrilled. Now I’ll never, ever stop training! I’m now on the Healthy Living Program and working hard! Thanks Karen! You made it all possible!”



Chelsea Comber, North Saanich, BC


“I have participated in the last 3 challenges and all while travelling to various countries (Florida, Japan, and Greece). It’s so easy…just log on and download the weekly workouts, videos, articles – all you need is access to a gym somewhere! The on-line support has been wonderful and very motivational – takes the guesswork out of what to do next.


The workouts are always progressive so one doesn’t have to worry about the dreaded plateaus! It’s like having your own personal trainer – but when you want it and where you want it. Having this kind of flexibility is so important now – I couldn’t imagine being tied to a specific time and place to work-out anymore.”



Eleanor Willing, Central Saanich, BC


“The knowledge and skills that I have come away with have been the key to my success. I feel stronger, healthier, sexier and more in control of my life as a result of what I have learned from Karen. For the first time in my life, I feel so confident in my own ability to carry on with my fitness & health goals! I know I can do this now!


Karen is more than just a teacher…..she is a Leader. Her presence models and inspires me to achieve my goals. She walks her talk every day, and proves that it can be done and it’s more than just a dream!


I now have the support of the Healthy Living Program, and I feel more than prepared to continue to make strength training a part of my life FOREVER!


Taking Karen’s courses has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has not only changed my outside appearance, it has shaped who I am on the inside! I like how I feel both inside and out!”



Kim Bull, Sidney, BC


If you want to spend and exceptional day with exceptional women, come to our Women’s Weekend Re-Treats.

Health happens on all levels – physically, nutritionally, emotionally and spiritually – and at our retreats, we can better address these multi-faceted aspects of health and wellness with each other.

Our full day retreats are held at Mystic Pines, my amazing home situated on beautiful Vancouver Island. It’s an exceptional place for women to meet, break bread and share our dreams, challenges, pitfalls and stories. Here, we come to understand and learn and grow. Because no woman is an island.

Open yourself to greater understanding, freedom and acceptance. Join us on our next amazing venture!

Spiritual Intuitive (Level 1) – Lifting the Veil: Walk with Spirit!

Date: 4 Weekends: May 22 – 24, May 29-31, June 19-21, June 26-28, 2015.
Fee: $1100. Deposit – $200 to reserve a seat. Only 12 seats.
Location: Warrior Woman Retreat Centre, 10951 Boas Rd, N. Saanich BC


If you are committed to turning your life in a new direction that is closer to your heart’s truth and your soul’s path, then this is the class for you. This is more than just an instructional course, it becomes a place in time where the world stops and the miracle of you emerges.

We start with the basic tools of meditation, parapsychology, metaphysics and healing designed to improve your personal and professional life. You learn to apply your paranormal abilities through regressions, criminal investigations, psi-scans, automatic and inspirational writing, healing and much more.

This 4 weekend training provides a uniquely graduated program where your heart and vision are opened to the presence and nurturance of love. For more info on Cheryl and her work, visit

To listen to my recent interview with Cheryl, please CLICK HERE!

~ Live Your Bliss! ~ Joseph Campbell


Reserve your seat NOW! Only 12 spots!
For $200!

book-coverOne Rep at a Time chronicles Karen’s journey from tough childhood to bodybuilding champion, and how living through her son’s challenges with muscular dystrophy forced her into re-defining what true health and wellness is all about.

There is also information on Karen’s popular 8-Week BLISS program, with extended tips and tidbits to successfully navigate this lovely Body Transformation Program. An extended version of the program is available for purchase.

“I had to learn that being fit, strong and empowered is so much more than building the perfect bicep….that’s nice, to be sure, but through our journey, I lost and regained my health, and I found new tools to help other women on their journey to inner power, health, and serenity.”

To purchase the book, please go to Amazon.

After 30 years in the business, I thought I had heard it all.

But when a woman sheepishly told me she decided to not joing the  April 10-Week Challenge after all, I had to ask why. First, she said she didn’t want to do it because she would ‘lose her social life’. 

Did she mean she wouldn’t have as much time to socialize? Or she wouldn’t be able to indulge in excess food choices like she used to? Or perhaps she didn’t want to pair back her alcohol consumption. (All of these, by the way, are workable ‘lifestyle’ habits we can still maintain under certain conditions…). I told her that wasn’t the case.

Then she spilled the real goods. “I fear my friends will be jealous of me. You know, it’s kinda vain, don’t you think?”

To what…want to get into awesome shape? Too look and feel great? To be able to have energy to spare and stay strong and healthy?

I was dumb-founded. Nope. Nada. No Way. That’s something I would hear from someone from my mom’s generation (sorry mom!). For this woman, the explanation I would have offered her would ahve been way too much trouble for me to get into, and probably way too much for her to absorb. She just wasn’t at the proper place to listen.

In any case, she simply isn’t ready. When women have a burning desire and a sense of excitement about positive change in their lives, then it’s an easy fit. And I simply love being the catalyst for these transformations! I’ve always said I have the best job in the world!

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear,” so goes the saying. Maybe one day you’ll be ready, S.T., and I’ll be here waiting for you. Honest!


P.S. Sign up has begun for my Spring session of my popular 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge, now in its 5th year! It’s the last one before we break for summer! Only 20 seats! Registration closes April 9th. we start April 14th! JOIN US! (I’ll save you a seat, S.T… case you change your mind!) For a more detailed description, GO HERE!

“As I look back on the challenge I can see that I have learned so much and for that I am grateful to you. I have gained strength, a smarter way of eating and a stronger belief in myself. I realized that lifting weights and seeing results in how we look and feel is a product of a few things: Consistency, Patience and Lifestyle. This has been a journey for me and it is not done. Thank you for the inspiration on so many levels Karen…you are truly remarkable.” – Alison West