for the 40+ woman!

Week 8
The Wonderful World of CARBS!shoulders3

Years ago, a woman’s worst friend was fat…fat-free was all the rage. Then it was sugar…get the sugar out and use artificials. Really? And who could forget the grapefruit diet? Water diet? Coconut diet? Oh pleeeeaassssee

All along, us physique athletes watched from the sidelines, because those of us working in the trenches  knew the real answer – if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to look at carbs. Period. Sure, the other stuff matters, but the anchor to it all is carbs.

Now we love our carbs, and they are the athlete’s best friend, but unlike other athletes who can down them like there’s no tomorrow – marathoners, swimmers, bikers (did you know Olympic Gold Medal winner Michael Phelps eats 10,000 calories a day…with about 80% carbs!) we learn to use them wisely. It’s a daily thing!

This week, we delve into carbs in detail and learn, really, learn, how to use them to keep us lean, help us lift and help melt fat! Carbs are so poorly misunderstood and any physique athlete knows, in time, the ins and outs of carbs and learns how to use them effectively, for life! I’ve got my favourite carb trick I’ve learned and used for years to stay lean and keep that fat burning machine running, while making muscle gains! So listen up! You’re going to want to spend some time on this life lesson, to be sure. It’s likely our most important ‘staying lean’ lesson throughout this whole Challenge!

Did you assess your physique yet? Don’t forget to do this….what would you like to change about your body-muscularly speaking? We all got something! Where do you want to see improvement? Where did Mother Nature bless you (and where is Father Time robbing you!). Take heart – although our DNA is set in stone, weights, above any other exercise regime, can alter that!And you’ll be asked to come clean with your one bodypart you’d like to change (and we have a lesson based on your findings, too!)

And how should you breathe when you lift? Check out your video: To Breathe or Not To Breathe in your Real Training Album!

Your Support Package for Week 8.
Your E-Workout Card with video links
(in case you missed it from last week).