for the 40+ woman!

Phase 1
Week 1 – Building the Machine!

OK everyone, welcome to the first week of the 12-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge!abs

I know you’re gonna love this Challenge, because it picks up where the 10-Week Challenge left off, so we’re going to build on every principal out there – muscle-building, fat-burning, superb nutrition, supplements, and some awesome body/mind practices that leave others in the dust! Oh yeah, we’re going to get into some cool, effective training practices too! Whew! We got a lot to do over the next 12 weeks together!

Oh yeah, and we’re going to change how you think as well, on ALL fronts. But to start, you will NO LONGER see the world through the eyes of the majority, because they have it all wrong! So to start, we are going to shift how you think about WEIGHT LOSS…‘Metabolism first, weight loss second…” and I’ll be repeating this over and over again. You’ll see!

Our main focus is to start teaching (or re-teaching) our bodies how to build shapely, sexy muscleNo need for cardio at this point (YES you read that right!), we want to focus on getting our moves down and our eating right! We’re training at 70% intensity (12-15 reps) on a quadruple split. We are also focusing on building our tendon and ligament strength, and enhancing our body’s recuperative abilities through HYBRID training: multi planar, multi directional body sculpting and functional moves combined! You’ll see! Remember, it’s often hard to build muscle, burn fat AND recuperate at the same time, so we sometimes walk a thin line between growth and maintenance. It’s the Advanced athlete’s way (and we’re OK with it all)! We’re training at 70% intensity (12-15 reps) on a quadruple split, which I think you’re going to love. So minimum 4 days training. If you’re experienced, you can do 5!

CALORIES and MACRO-NUTRIENTS: Yes, it’s time to do some math…we’re going to figure out what you’re eating NOW calorie wise, where you need to go to, and how to put this into the language of macro nutrients. And you’ve got a reminder of the caloric content etc of each macro…it’s time to get back in touch! It’s all in your Nutrition and Lifestyle Package (below) and I would like you to post your daily caloric value on our Private Facebook page, ok? That way I know you’ve done the work!

MACRO-NUTRIENT PERCENTAGES: This varies from athlete to athlete, and things like age, genetics, activity level, muscle percentage determines this, but generalities CAN apply (for example, I find that the 40+ woman is a wee bit carb sensitive, so I keep it on the average side of 40%, versus 50+%, like some programs suggest…if it’s too much for me, at my tender age, I figure that’s too much for you too!) So we’ll keep it simple and work on 30/40/30 ratio, so that’s 30% protein, 40% carbs, 30% fat!

CLEAN up our (Eating) ACT!: We also need to revisit our principles of Clean Eating (in case you forgot or you’ve been hiding under a rock somewhere, clean eating is where it’s at!) I offer up some tried and true CE practices that I’ve used for years to keep me on the clean eating bandwagon (which you may have also learned in the first Challenge…but may have forgotten??)

Having the ATHLETE’S MINDSET: Let’s get our brain back on board! In short, I want you to be excited by what you’re about to do – build a great body, change your life, feel empowered and take control of your life – for life! Success and failure always starts and ends in the mind – period. I don’t care what area you look at – relationships, money, career, or health – if you don’t honour and strengthen your mental muscles, you will eventually fail, and failure is not an option! Not for you, anyway! So here’s where we touch our inner landscape and access our inner goddess, that amazingly Empowered Woman that is US!

Download your FOCUS CARDS and transfer your Goals from your Pre Challenge Kit onto your FOCUS CARDS….don’t forget! Carry them with you…say them out loud every am and pm and walk as if they’re becoming a part of you…because they are! And remember, we live, train, and eat like Warrior Women! 

OK….let’s get going!

Your Phase 1 E-Workout Card with Exercise Video Links.
Nutrition & Lifestyle Package for PHASE 1 – Weeks 1 to 3.
Please READ – Metabolism FIRST, weight loss second!

Don’t forget to check out your Real Training Album for our two corresponding videos for this week: Macro-nutrients, Calories and Portions, and more!


~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – Weeks 7 to 10 – YOUR DEFINING MOMENT!

– WEEK 7 

Theme of the Week: Hitting the High Point!   

GetInShape (1)

OK Warrior Women. As we move into the final few weeks of The Challenge, we’re going to up the ante!

Ever wondered why some people say exercise is boring? And it’s those same people that train year after year, with no real change in their physique! And they blame that on the exercise program! Hardly! Here’s a trick – turn off your IPod and tune in! Feel and envision that beautiful muscle of yours strengthening and shaping itself! That’s what Warrior Women do!

From here on in, we’re going to apply the High Point to every workout (another way of saying intensity). It’s the only way to continue to tone and shape our bodies, and to accelerate fat-burning (yes, science shows that intense weight training is the best fat-burner…did you know that?)

And for the 40+ female athlete, working with intensity – pushing through when it’s hard and going to your outer limits – is KEY to keeping the lovely muscle on your body (as Father Time tries to rip it off after 35!) AND in laying down fresh, healthy muscle, which translates into a changed body shape, one that’s tighter, toned, and stronger!

But be ready to work. Life is hard. Growth requires you put yourself into it. So now’s the time! We put way too much time and effort into training, so we want to make sure you’re getting everything out of your training and eating program…unlike the scores of people who aren’t!

Nutrition: By now, your new eating habits are hopefully becoming less of a ‘diet’ plan and more of a style of eating. If not, get back on the bandwagon, experiment with some new recipes, shift your perspective and ingrain this eating lifestyle in your brain right away! There’s no going back, got it?

Stick to our new eating lifestyle – what we’ve learned so far:

– eat clean (whole foods rock! Build that recipe repertoire).
– eat your protein 3-5 times a day ( breakfast is 15-25 grams)
– eat local, and in season (to alkaline your body for health and vitality!)
– cut the man-made stuff (I don’t have to explain this one, do I?)
– no eating after 7:00 pm
– eat your healthy fats, drink your water!
– get your sleep!

Don’t forget to use your tracking sheet and fill it in daily to keep you on track. Post this on your fridge!

We’re moving into the TripleSplit routine for the remainder of the Challenge – 3 different workouts each week. And I’ve added in two mini Yoga Stretching videos for you, one Upper and one Lower Body. A nice break from the traditional stretches, for sure!

You’ll be training at least 4 days (5 would be better), and you are circulating through the workouts. You can train on whatever days you wish now, 5 in a row, two off, or break it up!  And keep up the cardio, of you need to (but you may find with your eating dialed in, you need less of it!). And remember, cardio POST-workout, if you are using it to burn the fat!

Intensity is our new friend, so practice reaching your potential in both weights and cardio, using the high point method. And here, we can use the Power of Drop Sets to ramp up our training and move us through our workouts more quickly! I have suggestions for SuperSets in your new Workout Card.

These last 4 weeks are your Defining Moments: when you up the ante in your training, and you apply the nutritional aspect, you will get cut and lean. But it takes diligence!

I’ve also thrown in my version of the eating pyramid – the Clean Eating Pyramid. Download and save it to your fridge! AND it’s time we learn to shed the food app, and live with autonomy…this is ALL about you being able to manage your food and life on YOUR terms (and my article outlines the pro’s and con’s of using food apps…mostly the con’s!). You CAN do this!

So let’s get going!

Week 7 : Legs/Glutes, Chest/Back, Shoulders/Arms, Core and Glute work

Training: 5 days total!  Alternate through the 4 workouts, and choose your days. You can train in a row, or scattered days, to fit your schedule! And don’t forget to s-t-r-e-t-c-h! Yoga stretches are great! (In your library and linked in your e-workout cards, too!) Stretching is always done after your training! 🙂

Cardio…check in with it! Don’t cut it out entirely IF you have lost weight because it may be too soon. Rather, gradually CUT IT DOWN if you wish to, or maintain it, if you like it! Some of us like the cardio thing (I’m not one of them, but then, we’re all snowflakes!) It’s wise to keep at it 2-3 times a week, 15-20 minutes or so. It does a heart good!


Nutrition goals: Stick with the program and keep it clean!

Body/Mind: Dig deep when reaching for the high point!


VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….

Your E-Workout Card – Triple Split Workout for weeks 7-10, with links to your Exercise Portfolio, as usual!



Support Articles:



~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – STRENGTHENING THE HOUSE!

– WEEK 6

Theme of the Week: Eat local / Organic for Optimum Health!

GetInShape (1)

This is the last week of the Double-Split routine (don’t forget your supersets and drop sets) so stay with your training. Next week we move to 4 days training on a triple split!

To complete our nutrition lessons, I want you to focus on eating herbicide and pesticide-free fruits and veggies. We don’t need the 40 chemicals on our foods, and neither do our bodies. So choose local fruits and veggies, and local meats ( local markets like Mitchell’s Farm and Thrifty’s have local fruits and veggies, and Carnivore Meats and Red Barn Markets have grass-fed Island meats!. YUM!

When you eat local you’re also supporting local! And you’re also eating in season, a key function in cellular health, strength and vitality.

And remember, eating local fruits and veggies, and getting the man made products allows our bodies to stay alkaline, an optimum state of well-being. Use the Alkaline Chart, in case you need reminding of what foods are acidic (poor) and what foods are alkaline (excellent). Choose 80% alkaline and you’ll be doing yourself a world of good!

You’re likely finding that the better you eat, the more your perspective is shifting. You start seeing how others eat – how you used to eat – and you see it as old behaviour. That’s because you’re shifting toward a lifestyle of clean eating. You’re now looking through a new set of glasses. Congratulations! Now you’re on The Path!

I’ve included my popular Tracking Your Progress worksheet, a very valuable tool to keep you on track! Why didn’t I present this sheet before? Because I had to teach you each of the concepts first, and now you can use it with confidence! And use it often! Post it to your fridge! Pretty soon it’ll all become second nature…that means you no longer see it as a diet plan, but rather, you’re in a clean lifestyle! Good for you!.

OK, Warrior Women…enjoy this last week of the Double-Split, and practice your drop sets and super sets. For the remaining 4 weeks, we’ll be moving into the Triple-Split routine, to really ramp things up!


Week 6: Same as Weeks 4-5: Legs/Chest, and Back/Shoulders/Arms

Experimenting with drop sets and supersets with your workouts.

Nutrition goals: Shop and Eat locally, and keep it clean!

Body/Mind: A Shift in Perspective


VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….




Support Articles:

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – STRENGTHENING THE HOUSE!


Theme of the Week: Clean Eating and YOU!

As we move into the mid-way point of the Challenge, I want to look at this thing called Clean Eating, GetInShape (1)which you’ve all been adopting over the last few weeks.

What is Clean Eating? It’s about eating close to the earth, the way Mother Nature intended.  It’s about respecting our bodies enough to feed it wholesome, real foods.  It’s about choosing live foods over dead ones. I call it the Caveman Diet or 100-Mile Diet. Or, ‘that’s-the-way-my-great-grandparents-used-to-eat’ diet.

But ‘clean eating’ means different things to different people. It’s not about eating specific foods – vegans and carnivores alike are both clean eaters – it’s about eating real food, while still respecting your preferences and choices! That’s the Warrior Woman Way!

Here’s how I look at it: if you can’t pick it (from a tree) or pluck it (from the ground), if you can’t hunt it or fish it, it shouldn’t be on your plate.  Nor should it be in your body.

Labels: Which brings me to another point, if it has a label, it’s not a whole food. Grab that bar or breakfast cereal, turn it over in your head and read the label…..can you even pronounce those words? Then what are you doing putting it in your body? You wouldn’t eat a cotton ball, would you? Then why are you eating that?

Who’s calling the shots, anyway? Are you trusting the government/Health Canada/media/ who all say the additives are not bad for you? Think again. We’re all swimming in a toxic pool of chemicals, it’s best we jump out now!

Clean eating is not just about food, it’s a mindset. And the more you live it, the more ‘natural’ your way of eating becomes, and everyone else’s eating style seems odd.

Clean eating is not about denial. It’s about freedom. Freedom from pain, low energy, headaches, PMS, mood swings, depression, thick midsections and a fat butt.

Stuck on menu ideas? I’ve resisted the temptation to do Menu Plans for you. This approach NEVER works. But you can certainly create your own plan, and this week, you’ll read how. You know about calories portions by now.

So I’m including a free copy of my Clean Zone Diet Cookbook, with over 30 recipes, with calorie, protein, carb and fat counts. That should do it!

And let’s see how you did on the Macronutrients sheet from last week, shall we? We’re wrapping up macro’s this week, so we can move on into deeper water… 🙂

Training: We’re continuing with our Double-Split routine but we’re playing with drop sets and super sets, two valuable training tools that will ramp up your training, and cut time from your workout. Not bad! So let’s keep strengthening our house! And make sure you continue with the GLUTE circuit in your workout cards, and the new Ab circuits too…! Always keeping it fresh!

So remember, eat clean, train hard, and enjoy your success. It’s only just begun!


Week 5: Same as Weeks 3 & 4 – Legs/Chest, and Back/Shoulders/Arms

We are experimenting with drop sets and super sets, so please watch the videos. We’ll chat more about them soon!

Nutrition goals: Clean eating recipes. Yum!

Body/Mind: Find Your Inner Grrrrrr!


VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….

BSC Workout Videos –  SuperSets and Drop Sets 



Support Articles:

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – STRENGTHENING THE HOUSE!


Theme of the Week:  Metabolism – Part 2!

As we move into week 4, we’re noticing a few changes, yes? Hopefully you’re feeling stronger and more coordinated, and your clothes are starting to feel a little looser (if not, go back to your food journals and look at your food intake versus your caloric intake….this is the first place to look for most people). So before you up the cardio time, do the math.

I’d also like to ramp up your training to 4 days a week (if you haven’t been doing so already, so with this workout, you can train one on, one off, 4 days in a row…it doesn’t matter! Flexibility is your friend, in this program (but so is consistency, so do try to aim for 3 minimum, 4 is better!)

And how’s your butt feeling? Tight? Sore? Good! We continue to work our glutes every week…we simply MUST! (And tight abs, hips and toned legs are the added spin off from all this glute work too!)

GetInShape (1)

What you’re learning to adopt is a Clean Eating lifestyle (more about that next week). This new style of eating is a lifestyle, it’s not a diet plan. It’s the way we’re supposed to eat for health and vitality. It won’t always be this strict, but it is for now.

We’re continuing with our Double-Split routine and staying with our new eating habits. At times you may feel overwhelmed, and wondering how to stay motivated. It gets easier with time, but staying motivated is always the key to success. For me, I surround myself with like-minded people, read uplifting books and magazines, and have shifted how I view eating, others, and the world at large (ie I think it’s weird to eat a sandwich or to eat bread at all). This shifting of your perspective is happening to you too, and it must, in order for you to create and maintain a new lifestyle of consistent training and healthy eating.

We’re also looking at some fat-burners: safe, natural metabolism boosters that may help your body rid itself of a few extra pounds. They’re not magic, and they don’t work unless youve got the fires stoked – quality training and clean eating – hence the reason we didn’t look at them until now. As I always say, they’re the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.  Good training and superb nutrition will always win out over supposed fat-burning substances, but they’re worth a look.

And let’s test what you’ve learned so far in the macronutrient dept. (that’s carbs, protein, fats and water, remember?) and download your short questionnaire: Test Your Macronutrients IQ. We’ll check your score next week!

And if you’re using software that tallies up your eating percentages, it’s around 2030% protein, 40-50% carbs and 10-20% fats. This changes in the Advanced 12-Week Challenge, but this is approximately where we are right now. (If you’re not using counting software, don’t sweat it! How we’re learning to eat is all the info you need for now…but I know I have some techie’s on board that like specifis..but you’ll learn that specifics can change! LOL!)

So let’s keep motivated!


Week 4: Same as Week 3 – Legs/Chest, and Back/Shoulders/Arms

Training: 3-4 days a week (let’s aim for 4 days, K? Time to bring it up a notch!)  
Stretching, 5-10 min. 
Cardio – 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week (post workout or on separate days).
Nutrition goals: Metabolism and Weight Loss Supplements

Body/Mind: Staying Motivated – What’s on Your Bedside Table?


VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….

VIDEO-Weight Loss Supplements! (in your Cool Stuff Album)!



Support Articles:

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – STRENGTHENING THE HOUSE!


Theme of the Week:  Fats, Water and Metabolism!GetInShape (1)

OK, so we’ve got a few weeks worth of training under our belts. We’re continuing to build our foundation and strengthen tendons, ligaments, and joints, and teaching our bodies and cells how to effectively utilize water, remove wastes, build shapely muscle and increase its ability to recover and restore.

Are you still sticking with the plan thus far: Eating your protein, eliminating man-made products, eating a good breakfast, drinking your water, watching portions, not eating after 7:00 pm and eating some ‘live’ carbs?

Are you weighing yourself every week? Not to be obsessive, but if things creep up you’ve gotta catch it at the gate. No more surprises! Are you still journaling your food? A necessary evil, if only for a few more weeks. I don’t want to hear anyone say, “I didn’t realize how much I was eating, really!”  Know what you’re eating!

And we continue to learn how to count calories…several ways to do it, so don’t ignore this valuable skill. Just do it and be done with it, and you’ll know where you’re at, ok?

We’re going to change up our training with the Double-Split routine. We’re going to add variety, and drop your reps to 10 reps so you will put your weights up a bitMark your new weights down in your new workout cards, so you stay on track! And we’re summarizing Protein, Carbs and Fats with your Macronutrients and YOU! sheet…(for all you math junkies!)

And we’re focusing on glute work in this phase! So important for us ‘mature’ women (and for younger gals too…start NOW! Trust us on this one!) I think you’ll LOVE the feel (and look) of this work! Lift, tone and shape that booty!

This weeks’ articles are on metabolism: healthy fats, lots of clean water and shifting your mindset…remember, health and wellness (and solid relationships, financial abundance, a good career…shall I go on?) is always an inside job!

Are you getting 8 hours of sound sleep? Remember, our bodies’ natural circadian rhythms are at work here, and rising and retiring with the sun is key to a healthy metabolism! So if you’re a late-nighter (bedtime 10:30 or later), you’re working against yourself! (I didn’t make the rules, Mother Nature did).

Download and read the articles, watch the videos, and train with focus and fervor. And remember,  when training, make every exercise set a work of art. That’s the secret to creating a successful, shapely, toned body. So let’s get going!


Week 3: Double-Split (2 workouts) – Legs/Chest, and Back/Shoulders/Arms

Training: 3 days a week (or 4 if you like!) 
Stretching, 5-10 min.
Cardio – 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week (post workout or on separate days).

Nutrition goals: Minding your Metabolism!

Body/Mind: Staying Motivated – Shifting our Mindset!

VIDEO and ARTICLES for this week:

Videos: BSC Workout Videos Portfolio



Support Articles:

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – BUILDING YOUR FOUNDATION.


Theme of the Week:  Carbs, Calories and Portion Control!GetInShape (1)

Alright Warrior Women…so now that we’ve got you cutting out the man-made stuff, I want you to instigate rule number 2 – no eating after 7:00 pm at night. Yep, that’s right ( I can hear you protest right now). Late night (unconscious eating) is the worst offender, and I want you to shift this destructive lifestyle right now. And if you get hungry, well, go to bed. We should be going to bed by 10 pm anyway. (I suspect I’ll get emails from shift workers or late-night owls…that’s ok. Email me and we can chat. There are exceptions….but not many!).

This is especially true as we age: our metabolism is slowing down, and we really, really need consistency in our sleep (as well as all aspects of our life), because our bodies have less tolerance for anything anymore! You know what I mean!

OK. Now that we got that off our late-night plate, let’s move on. First of all, not all calories are created equal! One hundred calories of fat acts differently than 100 calories of broccoli. The varying amounts of protein, sugar counts, fibre, and artificial will alter how it gets stored. (I just hate it when nutrition gurus say ‘it’s all about the numbers, and it doesn’t matter if you eat 100 calories of crap, or 100 calories of healthy.” It most certainly DOES matter! Aren’t we also here to nourish our cells with good stuff, anyway?

And when you eat those calories is also important. If you eat smaller portions, more frequently, you’ll lose the weight. Because every time you eat, your metabolism rises. And as we’ve learned, if we eat the majority of our foods, especially those nasty foods, in the evening, our metabolism is winding down, and it can’t process it like it can during the day. It’s our body’s natural circadian rhythms at work. And we can’t fool Mother Nature!

And those carbs….oh how we love our carbs. But we need to show them the ultimate in respect, and choose wisely, especially if we are 40+ years old! ! Are they friend or foe? We’ll find out!

And let’s look at portion control, shall we? We need to re-learn what a portion really is, and get back in line with how we ate 30 years ago. Oh yeah, and you’re going to use your calorie counter and figure out how many calories you need every day, and you’ll stay within 200 calories on either side of this amount for most days.

Did I say we gotta count calories? Yep. I want everyone to get educated on exactly what their foods’ caloric count is, and how many you’re really eating in a day. This is not something you have to do for life, but we’ve gotta scale it back and get real about what we’re eating, what we need, and what it looks like. After a few weeks, we can shelve the calorie counter and put away the scale, as we’ll have learned the basics of foods. We’ll also look at this in detail in WEEK 3, so be prepared!

Your ability to know what you’re eating will become another valuable tool to help you quickly navigate your way through any dinner outing with confidence and ease. Do you think fitness competitors and models just eat without thinking about it? I want you to learn how to make quick, healthy decisions, and want to do so because you know the payoff: a sense of accomplishment and control, and you know you won’t pay for it the next day. And if you do indulge, you will learn how to do so on your terms, and make allowances for it.

It’s all about holding the reins, and staying in control. It’s not a chore. In fact, it’s freeing. It feels powerful to be in the driver’s seat now. You’ll no longer feel out of control, guilty, or overwhelmed. I promise! We’re shifting that mindset of yours!

And we’re adding in stretching…SO important to our overall health and progress, and if you’re over 40, you KNOW how things stiffen up! Yikes! 10 minutes post workout is ample!


Week 2: Continue with Upper / Lower Body Workouts

Training: Monday, Wednesday, Fridays (or whatever 3 days you choose): Weights + 5 min. stretching after, and cardio post workout or during off- training days, (20-30 min).

Nutrition goals: Carbs, Calories and Portion Control!

Body/Mind: Intensity is Key! Make sure you’re working to your potential!

VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….




Support Articles:

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – BUILDING YOUR FOUNDATION.


Theme of the Week: Are You Ready to Create a New YOU?GetInShape

OK Warrior Women….

So you’re getting ready to start the Best Shape Challenge: you’ve got your workout cards, your Tupperware of healthy food, your straps, belt, and your running shoes. You’re ready to work out your muscles. But are you really? Aren’t you forgetting something?

In my experience, the most often overlooked muscle, but the one that spells success or disaster, is…your BRAIN! That’s right. I’ve always said that health and wellness is an inside job, because long before we’re sidelined with injury, or a tree falls on our car and we can’t get to the gym, or we’re abducted by aliens, we end up giving up or letting go of our goals.

When it comes to training, yes, weights, reps, and sets are naturally important. But what I’ve learned over the years is that perhaps even more important is your inner landscape – your thoughts, emotions and motivations that drive the show. That’s because your outer success starts and ends with your inner world. And that’s the philosophy behind my Warrior Woman Training Ways that form the basis of The Challenge – and all my programs – physical and nutritional health, and mental and spiritual health and wellness for life!


Create-A-New-YouA qualified trainer can teach you how to lift a weight, but what has become the most evident to me is that those people who stick with a fitness regime are those that have inner vision and motivation. They’ve learned that the secret to success is being able to harness the awesome power of the mind. Once you get this, your health – and your life! – become rich and rewarding in more ways than you could ever imagine.

Let’s take a look at this.

First of all, when it comes to creating a successful fitness or health program, it must be your decision. If you’re there because your doctor told you to be there, or your husband or children urged you to go, you’re not likely to stick with it. That’s because in essence, you’ve given your power away to others. It has to be your decision, an inner motivation that drives you there.

Second, you must desire it more than anything in the world. People who are successful in life, whether financial, health or otherwise, have an unwavering belief that they will stick with it until it materializes. They read books on the subject, watch and follow others successfully implementing what they desire, they ask a lot of questions and they seek out knowledge on their chosen topic wherever they can. It’s that burning desire that fuels their success.

Third, you must change your story about who you are. If you say, “It’ll never happen, I can’t do it, I’m no good, I don’t like to exercise, I’m not going to stick with it,” then guess what – you’re right! The universe hears your inner whispers and doesn’t differentiate between a good thought or a bad one, just that you’re predominant thought is of lack, so it will serve up that predominant thought of lack. So learn to change your story and you will change your life. Think success and abundance and you’ll get success and abundance. The universe will give you whatever you focus on.

Fourth (and perhaps the biggest factor), you must feel it. I remember going through my first bodybuilding contest, and every night before bed, I would go through my routine in my head over and over again. I could smell the oil, see the stage lights, hear the crowd, and I could feel my body going through my routine. I even saw the judges awarding me first place. My heart was racing because it seemed so real to me. When it came time for the real show, my routine was flawless, and I ended up winning hands down. When someone asked me how I won so overwhelmingly, I said, “Well, I had already won it a hundred times over in my imagination.” At that time I didn’t fully understand what I had done, just that I had tapped into something more powerful than I could ever imagine.


Fifth, do the work. It’s not going to happen by you sitting on your tush. Start moving toward your goal and things will happen. Opportunities will arise. You’ll meet someone who can give you what you need. You’ll read something that will inspire you or hold the answer to that burning question you’ve had all these years. (This is where a lot of people negate the Law of Attraction because they ask for, say, extra money and they expect it to fall from the sky or they’ll win the lottery. Sorry, you’ve got to meet the Universe halfway! You’ve still got to do your part and work on it!)

Now this kind of mental mindfulness has been around for centuries, and has been lived by countless great leaders like Gandhi and Buddha, and great philosophers like Einstein, Robbins, Covey and Napoleon Hill. It was recently brought to us through the popular movie and book, The Secret, which is all about using the power of the mind to create abundance in your life. And yes, it truly works. That’s why we use tools, like your FOCUS CARDS (below) where you will transfer all your Goals from your Pre Challenge Kit onto them. Carry your CARDS with you, say them out loud every am and pm, let them seep into your cells, know that it is coming your way…and walk as if…THIS is the power of intention!

The bottom line is this – these universal principals are at work whether you understand it or not. It’s kind of like gravity – if you jump from a building, you’re going to hit the ground, whether you believe in gravity or not!

It’s time we harnessed the awesome power of the mind, not just in our fitness regime, but in everyday life. This power and all its rewards truly are ours to master!

Oh yeah, and we’re going to change how you think as well, on ALL fronts. But to start, you will NO LONGER see the world through the eyes of the majority, because they have it all wrong! So to start, we are going to shift how you think about WEIGHT LOSS…‘Metabolism first, weight loss second…” and I’ll be repeating this over and over again. You’ll see!


Week 1 in Review: Training Summary (download)

Nutrition goalsIncrease your protein, cut the man-made stuff!

Body/MindGet your brain on board!

Your Upper / Lower E-Workout Card with links to Exercise Videos Portfolio!

  • Remember to check your Cool Stuff Album…with weekly fresh uploads for you! This week – How to SQUAT, Progressing into your Training, and Protein Pancakes!



Support Articles:

When women come to me, it usually starts out as a desire for a better physique. But almost ALWAYS as we work together, the inner stuff rises….there is a fundamental discourse in how we feel on the inside as we flounder through feelings of lack of love, poor self esteem, feeling unwanted, confused, angry. We often dislike our work, struggle with intimacy, have strained relationships with family or others, and we feel like we aren’t enough, or aren’t doing enough.

We ARE enough ladies. And so, while we build those biceps, and chisel those shoulders, try to get those glutes to firm up, I want you to focus on your inner world…that’s why I created Power Words for you to use…and how many of you use them? How many tools do we have that we simply skip over, tuck away, ‘don’t have time for…’.

My whole life I never felt like enough. I was brought up with an over-bearing father who demanded A+ on everything, a mother that was distant, and a step-mother who I could not connect to. The end result: guilt, self-loathing, never good enough, scarred, unable to connect. And I dragged these feelings with me all through adulthood, like a ball and chain.

Today, whenever I feel those feelings rising up, I say aloud, I am enough. And I have a poster in my training studio that sits on my wall, to remind me and all other women who enter my space that we are enough. I bought it at a flea market years ago. It’s funny where we can find lights of inspiration…

It is these feelings that steer our lives, and which used to steer mine. (I’d be lying if I said they never  pop back in. They do… just to remind me that those nasty leftovers are never far away!).

So every day you MUST practice self-love. Tell yourself in the mirror. OPEN up to those feelings. Feel them. They won’t get bigger. In fact, they get smaller, and pretty soon you will look at them as pathetic thoughts that have no bearing on who YOU are.

You are real. You are worthy. You are Spirit. You are loveable. And you are worth loving.

Coach Karen.

I promised myself I wouldn’t cry. And I did OK. Well,  sort of…but as our son wheeled himself across the stage to accept his graduation certificate, I could feel them fill my eyes. Then when he received the Spirit Award for Courage, the tears started to spill over. Then his Valedictorian speech…well, we were all a wet mess by then! 

On Wednesday evening, over 100 young adults received their Dogwood Certificate at the Parkland’s Graduation Ceremony at UVic. The room was filled with parents, siblings, friends and supporters, all working hard to hold back the tears. I was in good company.

Thirteen years ago when our son was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, the thought of him graduating seemed incomprehensible….I simply couldn’t contemplate it. I was awash in grief and fear, wondering what the future held. Then as we saw our son’s abilities diminish year after year, and as we struggled to create yet another ‘new normal’ every year, we faltered in our resolve. Who wouldn’t? But the journey continued, despite our silent protests and prayers.

But Wednesday night, when we watched Tristan cross that stage wearing the widest grin on his face, I said a silent thank you to above, for allowing us to be right there, right then, in that moment. And a sense of peace flowed through me: this is why we’re here, to enjoy the now. It was enough.

Our family has learned that it is a choice of where we put our attention: on future fears, the ‘what if’s, and the ‘why’s. Useless, really. There are no answers. And do we need them anyway? Searching and wondering is wasting precious time. So we learned to accept what is, and to live in the light of the moment. It has been my greatest lesson, and the greatest gift of all. No resistance. Let go. Accept what is…and move on.

None of us knows that the future holds, but a select few of us, our family included, has the inside scoop on things, and we live it every day. We no longer live in fear or grief, because it is simply a waste of time. Time waits for no one. So stop looking for answers. Stop pointing to the negative. Start now, today, and look to the light. Because darkness is not its own entity, it is merely the absence of light. It cannot co-exist when the light is on. So make that choice: turn on your own light in your own lives.

This, and other simple things, is what our son has taught us.

Love Karen, Neil and Tristan