for the 40+ woman!

As another 10-Week Best Shape Challenge closes, I am always amazed at the women who show up. And the results have been fantastic..

Like one client who was down 16 lbs, 12 inches and 3 % bodyfat (nice going Brandy!). And two others that lost11 pounds each, and down 5% and 7% in bodyfat. Now that’s what I’m talking about. And another woman who lost moderate weight – 5 pounds, but also lost 7% bodyfat. Was she disappointed? Nope, because that means she gained lots of shapely muscle! It’s the perfect storm, really!

But for many women, it’s not necessarily about losing weight, several wanted to gain after years of being too thin and with little shape…and yep, they are all on their shapely way too!

For every woman out there, there is always a story, and this month, in our HLP (monthly Healthy Living Program), I interviewed one Challenger Graduate who, well, had her work cut out for her. See, she travels from coast to coast for her work, and she wanted a training program that would allow her to work, travel, and get fit. So she signed up for my Challenge.

Her name is Robbin Sinclaire, and yes, she had amazing results. Yes, she walked the walk, despite her travels from a small gulf island to Nunavut several times a month. And despite having challenges with food selection, struggling through the dark days at Iqaluit, and other unusual obstacles, she made it work. Boy, did she! (That’s Robbin and her dogs Atii and Sakku).

But her completion of the 10-Week Challenge was just beginning (oh yeah, she lost 7% body fat too, got her shape back and is stronger than ever!) On Christmas day, she heads out to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Her goal is to help fund lung research and programs funded through the Lung Association. Her reasons are very personal…

I wanted to share our interview with you, so we can see yet another shining example of the female spirit in action. Enjoy. Karen and Robbin talk weights, fitness, life and more

For more on Robbin’s climb, visit her blog at

For more on the next 10-Week Best Shape Challenge, go to Sign up has begun!