for the 40+ woman!

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I heard a scary statistic this morning. By 2020 experts say the number one disability will become depression.

Depression. By the time you hit forty years old, you have likely had a bout with it. That’s what the stats say too. 29

I had my time battling depression, and its sister, anxiety, for years. Being brought up in a chaotic household, and overcoming by becoming an over achiever set the tone. Then, with a desire to please, low self-esteem and learned helplessness, I dipped in and out of depression for years. And then I suffered through years of debilitating panic attacks (sometimes 20 a day) as I struggled to work through childhood issues and coping mechanisms that no longer served me, rather, they were  strangling my spirit.

When my son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, the clouds returned, and stayed for 8 long, dark years. I struggled to get through each day. I cried myself to sleep, night after night. I couldn’t relate to anyone, or to the outside world. I was a prisoner in my own mind, helpless and drowning.

It took a long time to turn it around, but slowly I came to dismantle the destructive thought patterns and beliefs that once had served me so well as a child (in order to survive) but that were now crippling me. I came to understand that when you say, “that’s just the way I am,” indeed there is much hidden deep in our subconscious that simply needs to see the light in order to create the necessary shifts. But becoming objective about your patterns is indeed work.

And I found my path to healing was based in healing my physical body. I re-connected with weight training, because it helped be to connect with my power. Because when we are depressed, we are powerless, lost. Am I here to tell you that weight training or any kind of exercise will miraculously lift your spirits back into the light? No, that would be irresponsible of me. But it did give me a toe hold back into reality. There, in the gym, I could start to feel the connections again between my lost self and the self that had always been there, somewhere. This, along with proper eating and biofeedback work, slowly helped to part the dark clouds, and the sun began to shine bits of rays at a time. I could feel my spirit return. I had been there all along, behind the veil. Now the veil was parting.

If you are struggling with your own clouds, know that there are millions of us out there, all struggling to stay afloat, to fight back the clouds. My biggest lesson was in learning to let go, to accept, and to know that ‘this too shall pass’. It was about dismantling the old, and staying open to the new.

Today, in all that I do and all my programs, we touch on the mental and spiritual aspects of things, simply because we cannot NOT touch on them. We are not just flesh and blood, to the contrary, we are a complicated mix of spirit and physical, all colliding to help us to bring our individual gifts and our purpose to life…if only we could see through the clouds. Sometimes we simply need validation that those clouds are real, and that it’s ok to have cloudy days, and to know that we are not alone in our journeys. Many of us have walked the path, and we can help. I believe that’s why we are here on this planet, to use our special gifts to help others. It’s as simple as that really.


PS: My Fall session of the 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge starts soon. Grab your spot. We’d love to have you join us!

LADIES: Have you ever found yourself asking the following?

  • How much protein do I need?
  • Should I do a low-carb diet?
  • Should I eat a low-fat diet, and if so, how much?
  • What should my caloric intake be at my age / level / weight?
  • How many days of weight training is enough?
  • How much cardio should I do? What type? Before or after a workout?
  • How do I get the cellulite off?
  • What about hormones…
  • How much should I lift and how often should I change up my program?

Oh yeah, all good questions, and ones that have plagued women for their entire lives (more than likely). Sadly, most women get their answers from 2 sources: the Internet and well-meaning family and friends. Both are fraught with disaster!

Women on my 10-Week Best Shape Challenge get the real goods: we go through it all, and more. What makes this program successful is multi-faceted. First, it’s based on real-life experiences gathered from hundreds of women over the years who have improved and solidified their physical, nutritional, and spiritual health and wellness (yes, spiritual…a BIG component of our work here at McCoy Fitness). We use sound nutritional dictates, sports nutrition research, and yes, we use weights to build, shape, tone and strengthen those lovely vessels of ours!

And we offer TONS of support: coaching calls, email, and whatever a client needs to move forward on her healthy living journey. Because this is a journey, to be sure, and one that we can embrace with confidence, with no gimmicks, built from the ground up, sustainable, practical, and successful.

I created the Challenge 6 years ago because I was frustrated with the fitness industry, and seeing women spend so much money on trainers who simply could not relate to a 40 or 50+ woman and all her complicated needs (really, can a 25 year old really relate? And can you PLEASE not make us do any more burpees?!), and whose nutritional  guidance was based on the Canada Food Guide (really?), or a cookie-cutter menu plan that is neither a long-term fix or something we want to comply to day after day, And what about support or a network of like-minded women to call on, something all of us on the healthy living journey certainly need for success? Something had to be done. I wanted to serve women properly, professionally, with integrity and within a limited budget that they could afford. And so it began…

With the Challenge, you get it all. For the price of four 1-hour sessions with a trainer, you get 10-weeks of non-stop learning about fitness, nutrition and how we can feed our thirsty spirits! And I’m with you every step of the way. Promise! You won’t fall through the cracks!

Come join us. If you’ve got the time and the inclination, I promise to deliver a program chock-full of all that you need. I know. I’ve been there. And I’m still there, right alongside you. Because like I say, no woman is an island. We’re all in this together!

For more info, please visit We kick-off second week of September! Grab your spot! We’d love to have you join us!

I loved every part of the Challenge! I learned sooo much, and there was so much support every week. I especially loved the Coaching Calls and the Q’s and A’s Audios. And you cleared up all the nutrition info that we are bombarded with every day! And I’m loving my body changes. I didn’t think it was possible at 53, but yes, it is! And it’s just the start for me! Thank you Karen!”  – Denise Carbonde, Alberta

“Down 13 pounds and 7% bodyfat. Doesn’t that say it all? Thanks for a non-stop program Karen. It’s hard to explain it to people, there’s nothing like it out there! I’m yours forever!” – Samantha Grabowski, Vancouver, BC


A MESSAGE from Karen: “Success comes in many forms. For some, it’s to win the fight over obesity and lose weight for good. Beach-shot_face-only-150x150For others, it’s to add shape, and to strengthen and tone their body. Still others want to learn how to shop, cook and eat healthy foods for life. And still others need to find spiritual health and wellness. For most of us, it’s a combination of all of the above.”

“The ladies whose testimonials are below cover a wide range of success stories. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are scattered all over the world. But they have one thing in common: they understand that this healthy living stuff is a journey, not a destination, and it continues on for life, and they’ve joined me, and each other, in that quest. Because what we do here, through our programs, is not to aim for perfection (because we all fall off that healthy bandwagon, don’t we ladies…). Rather, it’s striving for excellence in self by honouring our bodies with quality exercise, good food and healthy thoughts, and knowing that if we do slip, we can find the strength to get back up again. These women, and hundreds more, are applauded for their courage, their commitment and their tenacity. I wish I could profile you all, because you all truly deserve a place on my special page. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You make what I do such a pleasure, and I am thankful to each and every one of you. Let’s keep the fires burning. Let’s continue the journey together!” – Karen

“Karen, I don’t know how to tell you 
how lucky and blessed I feel that I found you and your program with its well rounded Dawn-300x225fitness, nutrition and spiritual components…. the whole meal deal! I’ve done your 8-Week BLISS programfrom your book – One Rep at a Time – your 10 Week Best Shape Challenge and your 12- Week Advanced Best Shape Challenge, and I just love the Healthy Living Program which I’ve been on for a long time! I have held you in high praise to anyone who asks me what I am doing and have passed your information onto others! Others have seen the “Karen McCoy” way! I love it!” – Dawn Boyle, Sooke, BC, Canada (member since Jan 2012).

Check out Dawn’s Before and After Pics!.

“I only just found this program
, and you, on Facebook, a few months ago and I can’t imagine living without it (Amy, left, amy_hike_photo-300x225hiking in California).I’ve been telling all of my friends about it…I am really hoping that I can get some on them to join and to develop a California contingent! That would be so awesome!” – Amy Rodriguez, California (member since Oct 2012)

“I struggled with inner motivation 
and feeling comfortable in a gym for a long time. It’s easy to lose weight (I’ve done it a ton of times and that didn’t guarantee I was in great shape) but through sticking with your program, I, who always needed a strict routine and a slave-driver trainer, am now starting to do it for me because of your Sammy-177x300program which is not just about the body, but the nutrition, the psych and learning your inner strength, and it didn’t come right away. It came with you going over and over your lessons saying it in so many different ways. Please don’t give up on those of little faith in themselves. They have it inside. They just don’t see it yet but if they want it bad enough or their situation gets bad enough that they’re ready to make small changes and not be so hard on themselves (that was me and still is some days) … just putting one foot in front of the other, then things DO shift. I’m loving going to the gym now FOR MYSELF because I want to, not because I’m being pressured or bullied or guilted or doing it for somebody else or, or, or …… As for women who are comfortable in a gym, I thought that was not for me until you offered your  program and I thought now I have the opportunity to learn how to use the equipment, learn the etiquette with somebody I trust and learn it’s not as intimidating as I once thought. PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing!!!” – Eileen Coste, BC (member since April 2010).

“I love the Healthy Living Program
….every month I look forward to a new workout and I love that excitement.  I may miss the odd workout, but I never miss too many.  I am much more aware of my body and how it works.  The awareness and connection to my body I totally attribute to being on the HLP. I want to thank you for the HLP.  I believe I have been able to better get through some difficult times with more grace because of it!” – Kim Warwick,  Victoria, BC (member since summer 2012).

“Karen, I have turned my life around 
so much with your guidance. Even though I am in the health/fitness field and have been for most of my life I had resisted alot of what you teach – meat protein, whey protein isolate, fats, carbs, training, lowering cardio.Georgina-July-2012-150x150 Nothing else has ever kept my feet so firmly planted on the ground. In the back of my head I always knew that it was the right way to go but I had a four letter word stopping me – FEAR. Fear that I would get fat, fear I would do it wrong, fear it wouldn’t work, fear of looking good, fear of being the woman I am meant to be, fear of accepting that I needed guidance, fear, fear, fear,…. You took that fear away and I know that I have blossomed in a very humble way. Your approach is so very personal. I have never once felt alone. In the gym you and the ladies are with me – pushing me gently to try a few extra pounds. So what if I can only lift it 6 x – lower the weight and finish the set. Because of your programs and guidance my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my brain is working the best it ever has. I would be very sad if you had to shut down your on line programs but I understand how much work, emotion, thought and heart goes into them. I will continue to talk to others about your programs. The person has to be ready to make this kind of commitment. If we could only fast forward a person 3 months into your programs then they would be sold! It is an amazing feeling to wake up in the morning and feel good, have energy throughout the day, for the most part not have cravings gnawing at me all day. I could go on and on…. I love your programs, your guidance, your personal touch. These are the things that have me on the right track to be a better person in all areas of my life!” – Georgina BlankenshipOntario (member since Sept 2012)

“I first met Karen in 2009 
through a local rec. centre. I was looking for something to compliment my competitive masters rowing. I took her Lift n Lose class and I saw fantastic results from weight training combined with diet changes. And I improved my overall athletic performance – I was a stronger rower and  a faster runner. After my second baby was born, I took the 10 week Jessica-Weirmier-bronze-300x276Challenge to get back into shape. Soon after, I ran the Times Colonist 10K race, and ran a personal best by shaving 7 minutes off my TC time. After taking theChallenge in 2011, and following it through the summer, I dropped my weight by 15lbs. Overall, in the years since first encountering Karen McCoy, my dress size has dropped from a 14 to an 8, and I’ve lost close to 30lbs. Now I’m on the Healthy Living Program (HLP). It keeps me focused on my goals. Life gets hairy sometimes with small kids and living overseas, so there’s a lot of travelling back and forth between Saudi Arabia and North America (plus vacations to get away from the strangeness of life here). When I lose momentum, her online Healthy Living Program brings me back in!” – Jessica WeirmierSaudi Arabia (member since summer, 2011).


“Strength training was something I’d never tried before so I thought I’d give it a go and loved it!  It seemed to be the missing piece of the puzzle to my fitness regimen.  Since then I’ve never looked back.  I love going to the gym and squats have become my new best friend! The HLP Program can assist anyone to build or improve upon optimal physical, spiritual and KWE-at-Sitgues-train-stn-198x300emotional health.  The strategies that Karen uses demonstrate that sound nutrition, regular physical activity, as well as attention to your spiritual and emotional health, are the keys to longevity and quality of life.  When you join the HLP Program, there is a network of like-minded people, you never feel alone; there is always someone there to support you–let’s face it, life can get crazy and it’s nice to know where you can go for a healthy dose of encouragement!   Someone has been where you are now and they can help you overcome many obstacles.  It’s just such a great program you must give it a try!”  – Karen Walters-EdgarVictoria, BC (member since 2011).

“Hi Karen! I think your approach 
with online training is fantastic and one that most women can work into their life. Going to classes or doing your own thing with a DVD has never worked for me as too many things get in the way. With your approach I get the support of a virtual club which I can take advantage of in my own time, no matter where I am– so flexible! I also I think it is that constant contact via emails that keeps me engaged and reminds me to pay attention to my health.  So in short, things are just great and can’t think of any changes to improve. Thanks so much!”  –Gay Corbett, Victoria BC (member since spring 2012)


“I first heard about Karen’s 10 Week Best Shape Challenge on Facebook.  I was looking for something to spice up my fitness life.  I had recently lost 8 lbs, and I was ready to take my fitness up a notch. My expectation was simply that I’d have a new and challenging gym routine, but I ended up getting so much more.  The 10 week challenge was the catalyst I needed to start dealing Karen-and-Kristeen-2-300x225with food issues that I never even knew existed!  Because I had never had to worry about my weight, I ate whatever I wanted and my relationship with food got very out of control.  I’m still working on it, but I know that my life and my point of view on health and fitness have changed forever.  I thought that after I had 3 children, I would never get my body back and the challenge completely changed my perception of what is possible. I ended up winning the 10 week challenge and I completed the Advanced 12 week challenge too, and I’m more motivated than ever.  I forgot how much I loved weight training and seeing all those pretty muscles start to show.  I live by my personal mission statement, part of which is to “honour my body every day”.  I’m learning new ways to do that and I’m excited to go to the gym and watch my body change. Thank you Karen, for all that you do!” – Kristeen GordonSpruce Grove, Alberta (member since Jan 2012).

.Check out Kristeen’s Shaping Transformation Pics HERE!.

“I have always been “sporty” but after two injuries through running and softball (knee and shoulder) I became aware of my body’s limitations and instead of scaling back or changing my routine I stopped my physical activity altogether.  My body responded accordingly and I gained a significant amount of weight over a period of a couple of years (195lbs!).  I found myself looking at a person in the mirror I did not recognize.  I always believed that I hated the gym…inside fitness activities to me was so050-300x225 stuffy and not my style.  In reality I was afraid of the thought of having to learn something new around what I imagined to be a bunch of buff people.  Not true! Once I got into the gym (biggest hurdle) I realized that there were people from all age groups and body types there.  It was a revelation to me.  I now go to the gym 3 to 4 times/week for hour-long workouts because I want to and I see the benefits.  My fitness level has increased immensely, my body shape has changed drastically and even though I am not at my “ideal” body weight on the scale, I am so much happier that I am doing something about it!  Every workout I do and every meal I eat is now representative of how I have changed the way I treat myself.  No longer am I bored with my appearance, but rather excited about the weekly changes it has.  I am strong in mind and body more than ever before and I have worked hard to get here but it was worth every sweaty minute!” – Liz ReidVancouver, BC (member since sept 2011).
“I’m sooo thankful to have found you Karen. Thank you for all you do. You really are a blessing to women everywhere, andIMG_2365-150x150 your support and generosity is beyond anything I’ve known. And it was so amazing to have come up thru the ranks and competed with you several years after starting on thie journey with you! Thank you so much, from me and my family! You helped create the new ME!” – Deanna Pfeifer, Victoria, BC

.Check out Deanna’s amazing Transformation Pics!

“After attending one of  Karen’s seminars,
 I knew I wanted to train with her.  But my family relocated  and I thought I had missed out. Luckily I found her online 10-Week Challenge…now I could work out at my own gym and on my own schedule.  Brilliant! I learned so much on the Challenge.  Initially I just wanted to lose 10lbs, which I did! More importantly, Karen’s on-line Challenge introduced a new way of thinking about goals, weight resistant, and clean eating. Working with intensity was a major building block of the program and now, I’m present with each and every rep picand give it my  full attention, a great lesson which I try to teach others every day. I then went on to do her Advanced 12-Week Challenge and I got down to 15% bodyfat, and I entered my first-ever physique competition! I’m now on her HLP program with its monthly workouts and non-stop nutritional guidance which really keeps me focused and on track! Never thought I’d be a position to offer inspiration to others.  I do enjoy sharing the Healthy Lifestyle that Karen continues to teach us all!” – Leanne La Prairie, Victoria, BC.

.In case you missed it, here’s Leanne’s amazing transformation photos…CLICK HERE!

And some take it further and go on to competition. Check out these AMAZING MOMS! 

And to hear what still, other Women are Saying…please CLICK HERE!

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When women come to me, it usually starts out as a desire for a better physique. But almost ALWAYS as we work together, the inner stuff rises….there is a fundamental discourse in how we feel on the inside as we flounder through feelings of lack of love, poor self esteem, feeling unwanted, confused, angry. We often dislike our work, struggle with intimacy, have strained relationships with family or others, and we feel like we aren’t enough, or aren’t doing enough.

We ARE enough ladies. And so, while we build those biceps, and chisel those shoulders, try to get those glutes to firm up, I want you to focus on your inner world…that’s why I created Power Words for you to use…and how many of you use them? How many tools do we have that we simply skip over, tuck away, ‘don’t have time for…’.

My whole life I never felt like enough. I was brought up with an over-bearing father who demanded A+ on everything, a mother that was distant, and a step-mother who I could not connect to. The end result: guilt, self-loathing, never good enough, scarred, unable to connect. And I dragged these feelings with me all through adulthood, like a ball and chain.

Today, whenever I feel those feelings rising up, I say aloud, I am enough. And I have a poster in my training studio that sits on my wall, to remind me and all other women who enter my space that we are enough. I bought it at a flea market years ago. It’s funny where we can find lights of inspiration…

It is these feelings that steer our lives, and which used to steer mine. (I’d be lying if I said they never  pop back in. They do… just to remind me that those nasty leftovers are never far away!).

So every day you MUST practice self-love. Tell yourself in the mirror. OPEN up to those feelings. Feel them. They won’t get bigger. In fact, they get smaller, and pretty soon you will look at them as pathetic thoughts that have no bearing on who YOU are.

You are real. You are worthy. You are Spirit. You are loveable. And you are worth loving.

Coach Karen.