I remember when I decided I didn’t like my shape…
It happened about 3 or 4 years ago. I was walking my dog along our country road and it was a sunny, warm day. I love the sun, always have, and this day was particularly inviting.
Then I looked down at the ground and saw my shadow….and it caught me off guard.
My hips were wider than my shoulders, and my waist was thick, thicker than I had ever known before. But it was the narrow shoulders that really got me…forget the pair shape…I looked like an apple with a pear bottom.
Hmmm…seems the last 5 years of not doing anything had taken hold of my shape and left me with, well, no real shape. I was 48 and not liking my shadow shape.
That was when I decided to get back to the gym, after a long hiatus due to anxiety and depression, (my son’s diagnosis which knocked the steam out of me) and I just lost sight, really. I lost my spirit, my gumption, my ‘inner grrr’ as I call it.
It was time. I knew what to do. I went into action.
Fast-forward a few years and I’m happy to say that my shadow has rearranged itself! My shoulders are now wider than my hips and my waist has a taper to it. All that time and effort paid off, and continues to every day. That’s what I love about weight training…you are the sculptor and you can rearrange your body in whatever way you want! You can’t do that with walking, running, cycling, hiking and all the cardio in the world.
So if you don’t like your shadow, make the choice to change it! It just takes consistency and energy.
And weight training, of course!
PS – I’ll be closing out my special $1 for one month of the Healthy Living Program! If you want to check it out, please do so now! It ends in 6 days! Come join us! Your shadow will love you for it!
for the 40+ woman!