for the 40+ woman!

How do the Workouts Work?

How do the workouts work?

It’s quite easy, really.

You’ll learn we’re quite different from the rest here at HLP (that’s HLP-er Cindy Hogg (below) doing the HLP from Malaysia!)

For example, I rarely create a whole body workout (whole body is dead in the water!), we often lift for only 30 minutes or so (no hour-long lifting here!), we don’t re-invent your workout every month (it’s counter-productive!) as a certain amount of repetition is necessary to carve and shape that muscle!

And whether you’re a beginner or advanced, {{{hlp}}}we all use the same workout card but the intensity varies. This is also true of those of you on the HLP Elite Workouts (open only to those coming off the 12-Week Advanced Challenge), but you have different videos / extra exercises  / more intensity built into yours!

See, there is no such thing as the best workout (well, ok, there is, but not to the extent that trainers would have you believe). I trust and have faith in your ability to learn how to squat, bench press and crunch like the pros. A movement’s a movement…it’s all in what you put into it, really. I’ll show you!

Please download How do the Workouts Work?

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