for the 40+ woman!

Are your Beliefs Sabotaging YOU?

What is YOUR inner critic saying?….

“Losing weight is painful. I can’t eat what I want.”
“My whole family is overweight…it’s genetic.”
“I’ll be a slave to exercise my whole life.”
“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t have support.”
“I don’t have the money to eat well.”
“My job doesn’t allow for it.”

Most of our beliefs about training, eating, being thin, being loved, being wealthy, etc. are run by our unconscious beliefs….(we’re getting into some of the Spiritual Teachings of the HLP a little early, but that’s ok!).

Beliefs can be a funny thing, especially those ones that aren’t easily accessible and are under the surface of our awareness.

If you’re feeling stuck in your eating and training goals (or any other goals, really), perhaps it’s time to check out what’s really driving you!

Watch my video and download your transcript and start shifting from negative, outdated beliefs to empowering ones!

What do YOU Believe in?

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