for the 40+ woman!

Week 9 – The Real McCoy of Training!


I’ve thrown a lot at you the last little while, so rather than give you more info at this point, I want you to sit back and watch some real athletes in training….

We all need mentors, and these are some of mine that keep me motivated to keep training hard, eating well and dreaming the dream. It’s not about perfection, it’s about being the best ME I can be!

Some physique athletes were naturally born gifted. Others were not. Some are natural lifters, some are not. Regardless, all have a desire to do more, be more, live more, love more, and move through life with more passion, purpose, health and vitality!

While watching these amazing women, I’d like you to think about where do you want to make improvements to your physique? Have you always wanted a certain look to your glutes? Perhaps your shoulders are weak? Or maybe you want to see that deep etch in your triceps….I know you want it all, but I’m talking about that lagging bodypart you’ve been staring at since you were a kid. We’re going to use this info in our next Phase….

The world is our oyster….

We learn from the best, and these gals are my personal favourites. Have been for years. I’ve always had mentors, women I aspire to be like, work as hard as, be as successful as….

I’d like to introduce you to them.

The ‘old’ gals, from the 80′s, when women were real, strong and sexy, and where posing was an art form….

Cory Everson
Rachel McLish…(especially when she posed off against the Aussie powerlifter, Bev Francis in Pumping Iron: The Women…a turn in women’s body building…)
Anja Langer…(my personal favourite! Genetics to DIE for!)

The newer gals that have revamped women’s strength training, like:

Ava Cowan
Monica Brant
Erin Stern
Nicole Wilkins

Dream away ladies
…whatever that dream may be. Aim for your Personal Best. Feel like that Empowered Woman that you are. Like I always say – lift heavy, eat light, dream big and live – and love – with heart!

This week’s video uploadWraps, straps, belts and boots to show you what I use when I lift and why…it’s in your Real Training and other Cool stuff! album!

Your Week 9 Support Package.