for the 40+ woman!

Week 6 – Catching our Breath!


OK, I know I’ve thrown a lot at you these last 6 weeks, so this week, I won’t spirit4throw anything new at you…I just want to recap, and give you a couple of gifts.

So let’s just gather ourselves for a moment and catch our breath, and take stock of what we’ve covered so far:

We’ve created GOALS, put them on Focus Cards and created our Power Words to find that goddess within. We’re becoming an Empowered Woman!

We started moving our body and learning the fine art of lifting, really lifting, with intention and form. We learned how to access the video library and how to use our workout cards

We re-visted our macronutrients and started re-learning about quality protein, fats, and carbs, and how much and what type to eat. (We said no to the Canada Food Guide and yes to the Clean Eating Pyramid!)

We learned about what daily vitamins to take and how much, and what our average caloric intake amounts are, and our macro nutrient percentages and amounts too!

We gathered our list of Clean Shopping labels and started shopping with fresh eyes!

Then we upped the training ante again with a 5-day split as we upped the weight, changed things up a bit, added in several kinds of cardio and learned how to really squat and dead lift! Yeah!

We looked closely at workout shakes, supplements and nutrition and we found our Ideal Goal Weight and learned how to get there.

Finally, we got a hold of some menu plan ideas and a bunch of recipes, about 50 in total!

And all along the way, we continue to build shapely, toned muscle, nice lines. We’re teaching our bodies how to lose the fat and how to keep our immune system and our metabolism healthy.

Whew! I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted! So I’m not going to teach you anything this week. I’m just going to leave you with 2 little E-books I created awhile back. Share them with others, and spread the word of good health, ok? That’s why we’re here. And remember to live my example. Don’t preach to anyone. The best thing you can do is live a healthy life and pretty soon others will gravitate toward you, asking you what you’re doing! In fact, that may already be happening to you!


Pat yourselves on those amazingly strong and shapely backs of yours. You truly deserve it. Take a deep breath, and be proud of yourself and your courage. Remember, it’s not about being perfect all the time (boring!). It’s about showing up, and doing the best with what you have. It’s about digging deep and soaring high! It’s about doing, and being, your Personal Best!

Now’s a good time to revisit our Real Training Album, to view all the video lessons in there to date…there’s about 10 in total. So before we move on, let’s ensure we have these lessons firmly embedded in our Warrior Women brains, ok?

Your Gifts!

Karen’s 50 Reasons to Train.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (why we choose weights over cardio!)