for the 40+ woman!

12 week seven

Phase 3
Week 7 – Nut’s n’ Boltsweights4

OK. So you’ve got some momentum under your weight training belt..let’s move into some really advanced stuff, shall we?

What exactly is motivation anyway? Science has all their definitions (boring!!) so I tell you from my point of view what it is and what successful athletes do to keep moving forward day after day. The perfect time is NOW. And we look at the ancient practice of Hari Hachi Bu and how it can keep you stay lean for life. I’ve been practicing this for over 8 years now and it works! PLUS…is it time to let go of the food app? We don’t want to live with a food app pinned to our hip, right? So let’s learn the numbers, learn to envision what a portion is, understand visually intuitively what foods have what macronutrients and average calorie counts (if you’re into counting calories), and let’s move forward with app autonomy and food freedom!

Here we delve into Advanced Training techniques, in particular Super-sets and Giant sets, that can be used throughout the year to chase away boredom, and up the ante in our training. The training gets a bit meatier with these techniques, but I’m guessing you’ve already got a bunch of these techniques going on..and you may not even know that you do! I’ll show you some on-the-ground examples of giant sets and super-sets as I use them to work on my own body parts….yikes! … the videos are both in your Real Training album.

We’re digging deeper into HYBRID training with our Swiss Ball and Bosu Ball, and performing some unilateral (one arm / leg) work for more challenge and growth, more MET warm ups (multi planar, multi directional moves) and of course, grouping exercises together in Super Set fashion!

And we introduce Sprint Cardio, a fun, intense type of cardio that you can sprinkle into your workout or shore up all at once for after your workout. Whew!  Some days are better than others for doing different kinds of cardio (LSD, HIIT and Sprint) and I lay it out for you, as a recommendation, in your training package, page 1.

Our Real Training Album has our three videos for this phase: The Power of Super Sets, The Power of Giant Sets and Sprint Cardio!

Your Stuff!
Your Phase 3 E-Workout Card with Exercise Video Links.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Package for Phase 3-Weeks 7 to 9.