for the 40+ woman!

12 week five

Week 5 – Success is in the Details!


In order to know where we’re going, it’s important we know where we are. A few weeks ago, you figured out how many calories you were eating, and we made sure we didn’t cut this more than, say, 20% (lest we put our bodies into fat-hoarding mode!). Now we can get more specific as you take a detailed look at calories, and how it all plays out – timing, size, to starch or not to starch, and how much of each macro-nutrients we really should be eating. This is also where we focus in and find our Goal Weight!

Now I know we don’t like to do the math, but the difference between an average physique athlete and a great one is the great one does the math…..she puts in her time, and learns how to manipulate the all-time granddaddy of them all – carbs! That includes when to eat the starchies (heavy carbs) and when to eat the fibrous ones over her 5 meals, and around her training times, for optimum nutrition and leanness.

So many people want to lose the weight but they want the short and easy answer….”just tell me what to eat” they say. Well, in week 5, I meet you half way. I’ve done a lot of the work for you, I give you some scenarios, but now it’s your time to take the lead. I think you’ll find that you’ll feel strangely liberated and empowered by it all. I know I did when I first did it over 20 years ago, and I still do!

We want to live as Empowered women, yes? Then let’s get empowered! Let’s specifically lay out your protein, carb and fat ratios and calories for the perfect day. So grab your calorie counter, your food journal and your calculator. It won’t hurt that much…really!

I also share with you my two golden rules for weight loss and how can you eat while on vacation? Very carefully….oh yeah, and beware the trolls!

And for good measure, I’ve thrown in some of my stand-by protein recipes and menu plans which we live by in the fitness world. You can make your own too. They’re fast and easy and they really keep you on track (did you know the average person eats the same 11 foods all the time?)

And check out your HIIT Training and Karen’s Protein Pancake videos in your Real Training Album!

Your Support Package for Week 5.