for the 40+ woman!

10 week one

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – BUILDING YOUR FOUNDATION.


Theme of the Week: Are You Ready to Create a New YOU?GetInShape

OK Warrior Women….

So you’re getting ready to start the Best Shape Challenge: you’ve got your workout cards, your Tupperware of healthy food, your straps, belt, and your running shoes. You’re ready to work out your muscles. But are you really? Aren’t you forgetting something?

In my experience, the most often overlooked muscle, but the one that spells success or disaster, is…your BRAIN! That’s right. I’ve always said that health and wellness is an inside job, because long before we’re sidelined with injury, or a tree falls on our car and we can’t get to the gym, or we’re abducted by aliens, we end up giving up or letting go of our goals.

When it comes to training, yes, weights, reps, and sets are naturally important. But what I’ve learned over the years is that perhaps even more important is your inner landscape – your thoughts, emotions and motivations that drive the show. That’s because your outer success starts and ends with your inner world. And that’s the philosophy behind my Warrior Woman Training Ways that form the basis of The Challenge – and all my programs – physical and nutritional health, and mental and spiritual health and wellness for life!


Create-A-New-YouA qualified trainer can teach you how to lift a weight, but what has become the most evident to me is that those people who stick with a fitness regime are those that have inner vision and motivation. They’ve learned that the secret to success is being able to harness the awesome power of the mind. Once you get this, your health – and your life! – become rich and rewarding in more ways than you could ever imagine.

Let’s take a look at this.

First of all, when it comes to creating a successful fitness or health program, it must be your decision. If you’re there because your doctor told you to be there, or your husband or children urged you to go, you’re not likely to stick with it. That’s because in essence, you’ve given your power away to others. It has to be your decision, an inner motivation that drives you there.

Second, you must desire it more than anything in the world. People who are successful in life, whether financial, health or otherwise, have an unwavering belief that they will stick with it until it materializes. They read books on the subject, watch and follow others successfully implementing what they desire, they ask a lot of questions and they seek out knowledge on their chosen topic wherever they can. It’s that burning desire that fuels their success.

Third, you must change your story about who you are. If you say, “It’ll never happen, I can’t do it, I’m no good, I don’t like to exercise, I’m not going to stick with it,” then guess what – you’re right! The universe hears your inner whispers and doesn’t differentiate between a good thought or a bad one, just that you’re predominant thought is of lack, so it will serve up that predominant thought of lack. So learn to change your story and you will change your life. Think success and abundance and you’ll get success and abundance. The universe will give you whatever you focus on.

Fourth (and perhaps the biggest factor), you must feel it. I remember going through my first bodybuilding contest, and every night before bed, I would go through my routine in my head over and over again. I could smell the oil, see the stage lights, hear the crowd, and I could feel my body going through my routine. I even saw the judges awarding me first place. My heart was racing because it seemed so real to me. When it came time for the real show, my routine was flawless, and I ended up winning hands down. When someone asked me how I won so overwhelmingly, I said, “Well, I had already won it a hundred times over in my imagination.” At that time I didn’t fully understand what I had done, just that I had tapped into something more powerful than I could ever imagine.


Fifth, do the work. It’s not going to happen by you sitting on your tush. Start moving toward your goal and things will happen. Opportunities will arise. You’ll meet someone who can give you what you need. You’ll read something that will inspire you or hold the answer to that burning question you’ve had all these years. (This is where a lot of people negate the Law of Attraction because they ask for, say, extra money and they expect it to fall from the sky or they’ll win the lottery. Sorry, you’ve got to meet the Universe halfway! You’ve still got to do your part and work on it!)

Now this kind of mental mindfulness has been around for centuries, and has been lived by countless great leaders like Gandhi and Buddha, and great philosophers like Einstein, Robbins, Covey and Napoleon Hill. It was recently brought to us through the popular movie and book, The Secret, which is all about using the power of the mind to create abundance in your life. And yes, it truly works. That’s why we use tools, like your FOCUS CARDS (below) where you will transfer all your Goals from your Pre Challenge Kit onto them. Carry your CARDS with you, say them out loud every am and pm, let them seep into your cells, know that it is coming your way…and walk as if…THIS is the power of intention!

The bottom line is this – these universal principals are at work whether you understand it or not. It’s kind of like gravity – if you jump from a building, you’re going to hit the ground, whether you believe in gravity or not!

It’s time we harnessed the awesome power of the mind, not just in our fitness regime, but in everyday life. This power and all its rewards truly are ours to master!

Oh yeah, and we’re going to change how you think as well, on ALL fronts. But to start, you will NO LONGER see the world through the eyes of the majority, because they have it all wrong! So to start, we are going to shift how you think about WEIGHT LOSS…‘Metabolism first, weight loss second…” and I’ll be repeating this over and over again. You’ll see!


Week 1 in Review: Training Summary (download)

Nutrition goalsIncrease your protein, cut the man-made stuff!

Body/MindGet your brain on board!

Your Upper / Lower E-Workout Card with links to Exercise Videos Portfolio!

  • Remember to check your Cool Stuff Album…with weekly fresh uploads for you! This week – How to SQUAT, Progressing into your Training, and Protein Pancakes!



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