for the 40+ woman!

The Real McCoy!

In our fast-paced lives, sports foods/drinks have become a quick, readily available snack choice for many people, but we really don’t need them. And in many cases, we simply don’t want them in our precious bodies!protein bars2

Many protein bars have artificial sweeteners and other dangerous additions, including aspartame, sorbitol, sucralose (yes, sucralose is an artificial!), acesulfame potassium, or maltitol, to name a few. While artificial sweeteners are touted as having no calories or carbs, the buck doesn’t stop there: studies show they get lodged in organs and tissues (in particular the digestive area, which as we know is where our immune system originates). Artificial sweeteners have been shown to make us hungrier‘! And, cellulitewell, they help your body to hold onto fat (yes ladies, fat) and they keep that nasty cellulite tucked away in your cells.

And of course there are the nasty trans fats, which are stabilizers in many popular snack foods, are a dangerous addition to any food and one should take extreme caution with these, given the health risks involved. And while labels are supposed to list them, manufacturers are legally allowed to label anything as having zero trans fats if there is less than 2 grams of trans fats in a serving size. (Look for the words ‘hydrogenated’ or ‘modified’…trans fats disguised as ‘other’ ingredients).

And let’s not get started on so-called electrolyte drinks, just sugar drinks disguised as healthy (sports nutritionists who work with Olympic track athletes have long discovered that the body has an amazing ability to manage its potassium / sodium levels and balance its own electrolytes, and even Olympic level marathoners show repeatedly through track tests that their bodies rarely, if ever,  need the replacement fuels. So if they don’t need them, then we sure don’t!

Eat with your eyes wide open, I always say. If you like to indulge in bars and drinks, if it makes you feel more in tune with the crowd, or if it feeds that nagging hunger, great. But simply know that the science hasn’t shown any benefit in fact, they are seen as more detrimental (and expensive!).

For me, whole food still rocks!

  • karen

Roy F Photo Shoot 105It’s that time of year again, time for the Fall 10-Week Best Shape Challenge, and I often receive questions about the Challenge. Here, I answer the most-often asked questions……

– How does the Challenge work?
– How much weight can I lose?
– How much time is involved?
– What if I don’t have equipment?
– Can I train at home?
– Do you provide menu plans?
– Is there accountability built into it?
– I have injuries, how will this work?
– What kind of eating? Paleo? IIFYM?
– What if I’m vegan, gluten / lactose intolerant etc?
– How do I stay on the healthy bandwagon once it’s done?

Please CLICK HERE as I answer your questions!

Got other questions? Email me at
Sign up has begun! Grab your seat TODAY!

Recently, I received an email from a client who had a story to share: while at her chiropractor’s office, he asked her ‘what is your goal with all this? (meaning weightlifting/power lifting and this lifestyle).’ She had to think, then said, “my goal is to be a really healthy and fit 60-yr old.” I don’t think he expected that answer.

Often others think what we do is purely about “looking good” but this is way 6641-women-dont-realize-how-powerful-they-aredown the ladder for us Warrior Women. For us, it’s about stepping into our Power, living in health and wholeness. It’s about continual improvement, personal fulfilment, overcoming adversity, and walking through life in control and with confidence. Oh yeah, and we love the feel of good food in our veins and a dumbell in our hands!

See, we LOVE to eat well and to train, because it makes us feel good and function well. Oh yeah, and we look pretty good too. And anyone that says this isn’t important is hiding the fact because they are in fear of being reprimanded for being ‘conceited’, ‘vain’ or ‘obsessed with training’ (I personally love that one!).

Ladies, train away. Eat well. Nourish your spirit and your soul. Do what feeds you inside and out. Walk in your Power. Love the journey. Enjoy every step of it.

And the next time someone asks you “Why do you do all this fitness stuff, anyway?”, turn it around and ask them: “Why don’t you do any fitness stuff, anyway”?

🙂 – Karen

Our 10-Week Best Shape Challenge is half full! Grab your seat…and join us!

Not a week goes by when I don’t get an email from a client trying to work through her ‘binge’ eating. And with my latest batch of 10-Week Best Shape of Your Life Challengers, it’s no different: we do so well, and then it hits, that food tsunami, and there’s no getting away from it.

Yep, we all have those moments, but what I say is this…when you are in control of it, and you do it once in awhile (that, in my book, is once every 7-14 days, and it’s a cookie, a small bowl of ice cream, a bag of chips), then it’s what we who live clean and lean called a controlled cheatA controlled cheat is a once-in-awhile-treat.

In fact, I build cheat meals into my Best Shape Challenge, as a way to feed the soul and help with additional fat loss (yes, it is a fat loss tool when used properly), but it must be done right. The majority have stolen the cheat meal from competitors, but it’s rarely done right outside the competition circles).

For me, my ‘treat’ is a big, fat chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks. I just love them! (I’ve been known to dip into a jar of Nutella too, but I’ve learned I can’t keep it in the house, period. So having to go out and buy a Starbuck’s cookie keeps me in line a little better…). I used to eat Starbucks muffins on a daily basis. My reason: It was my quiet time, my reward in the middle of a busy day where I was taking care of everyone else…so now it’s MY time!

Well, whatever….sure…I could have stayed with that story, but I was getting fat and feeding a sugar habit that wouldn’t let go. Day after day. Some reward. I still remember those feelings of guilt and self-loathing….I never, ever wish to live there again. Ever.

Fast forward several years and that same Starbucks treat has been re-tooled into something that actually works for me. Rather than an addiction, it’s now become a tool. It holds a different meaning, and it holds no power over me any more.

Yep, controlled cheating is an art, and lean people (and lean-living competitors) have mastered the skill. But more importantly, it’s a mind set. I like to teach my women to use a treat as a tool for clean eating and proper weight loss, to control the cheat, rather than have it control you. Therein lies the rub: whom – or what – is controlling whom?

And that’s where we have to dig, because there is freedom, and happy eating, on the other side of it. Are you truly hungry, or is that bite of cookie feeding something else? And if it is hunger, why not eat some broccoli? Ah, there’s the truth coming at you….

So next time you feel the urge to splurge, ask yourself why, why do you want that cookie? Never mind saying because it tastes good…dig deeper. Do you feel entitled? Sad? Mad? Lonely? Perhaps you can learn our way, the Warrior Woman’s Way, and say, I choose to and it’s ok. It feeds me in other ways, and I am in total control here.

Eat with eyes wide open, I always say. and cheat that way too!


PS My next 10-Week Best Shape of YOUR Life Challenge starts in April. Grab your spot! (The Advanced Challenge starts then too, and is open to graduates of the 10-Week Challenge only).

Can you hear it? That echo? It’s rampant in the fitness/health industry these day.

What echo, you say? Regurgitated beliefs and perspectives about healthy eating that people just pass along like hand-me-downs. I sometimes wonder what happened to free thinking, free spirited thought, based not on the norm or the majority, but based on something outside the norm, on the periphery. How to choose?

As a Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor (Masters Level), we certainly don’t follow the crowd. We draw from the teachings of traditional cultures and research: Pottinger and his team of cats that taught us about generational nutritional deficiencies and how it applies to today’s children, dentist Weston Price and his findings on the link between dental decay (or lack of decay) in traditional cultures, and how it summarizes the body’s health, Chinese values of eating in Season, homeopathy, naturopathy, metabolic typecasting and more.

So many people put labels on their eating (paleo, pescetarian, low carb, keto), because it comes to define them. But what if you were label-less?

For me, I’ve been at this for many, many years, and I eat according to my body, cultural background, goals, and priorities, and I still can’t label it. So in our work, my ladies and I call it the Warrior Woman Way…eating within certain guidelines, but intuitive, with the individual woman in mind, flexible, real. Some of us eat dairy, some not. Some are meatless, others not. But the common thread is in our perspective and intention – clean, nurturing, health-building and community-building, based in sound research from long ago, blended with modern day stuff…a quick mix, so to speak. And not hard lines …..if you don’t eat meat and you’re on an airplane, starving, with no other choice, and someone offers you a ham sandwich, please take it, because as a woman offering another woman nourishment, that is more important. Don’t break the bond, loosen the grip in order to create another bond, something much more important and lasting. (I learned this from Susun Weed. Lovely, really. Earth changing…)

Old school, indeed. Timeless, sometimes lost research that few know about and fewer ‘nutritionists’ or coaches in today’s fast-paced fitness industry even know about. “Don’t eat saturated fat, it’ll increase cholesterol” (wrong). “Eat low fat” (wrong, in fact, eat higher fat, and don’t forget to eat the chicken skin!), “eat clean” (and what exactly does this mean anyway? You gotta eat a bit ‘dirty’ for a good immune system!). “Eat Paleo” (the latest….but our tribal ancestors were not interested in expending energy in any way, especially in a gym atmosphere where we work to build muscle. They were about saving energy at all costs! So true paleo wouldn’t work for us!).

Eat Vegan, it’s better for Mother Earth (untrue). “Beware eggs(the perfect protein…really?). Always use olive oil (not in all instances, and it’s very low in the necessary omega 3′s we dearly need), eat omega 3 eggs (marketing), eat raw veggies (nope, not for all! Your poor thyroid!), eat your fruit (depending….)….

Find someone who bucks convention. Be brave. Be the voice, or look for the voice in all the noise. Expand your horizons. Dare to be non-traditional, to NOT follow the crowd.

Be a voice, not an echo. Don’t worry about having an eating label. Be label-less and see how you fare. I think you’ll find it very freeing! And much healthier in the long run, to be sure!

Oh yeah, and enjoy your chocolate.  Us Warrior Women certainly do!


PS  My next Challenge starts in April. Join our tribe! Unconventional, fun, real!

It’s crazy but true, some of the worst support systems in the world are other women…friends, family, co-workers.

untitledI see this every time I start a new group of Challengers….it usually starts around now, in the first few weeks of the Challenge. The innuendos and soft undercuts start coming…

“You’re too skinny”.
“You’re obsessive about training.”
“You’re no fun anymore.”
“Oh come on, let loose. It won’t kill you.”

Here’s the deal ladies!…when we get healthy, we become a challenge to other less healthy people. Why? Because we become a mirror that reflects them back to themselves…it’s just part of the journey. It always saddens me to see women drawn back into an unhealthy lifestyle OR stop their healthy living program to ease the nasty comments, rolling eyes, and criticisms coming our way.
Like how about this one….”
I hope when you’re done competing you will stop all this silly stuff,” or “you’re no fun anymore,” or my favourite (and this has personally been directed at me), “You’ve gotta have implants to win a show”. really? Check out Erin Stern, or Rachel McLish or last year’s Overall winner at the BC’s.
One gal mentioned she’s not sure if her friend was being supportive or not…her friend looked down at this woman’s newly-manicured toenails (she’s competing shortly) and told her “nice, but oh, they look a tad bit too long.” This is the old classic give-them-a-compliment-but-undercut-them-slightly-afterward tactic. Nice….!
I promptly told this woman that indeed she was at the receiving end of jealously and an inner unrest in the other woman who had neither the strength or discipline to improve her own life, so she was tryin  to ever-so-subtly bring her down a notch.

Ladies, IGNORE THIS! If you stick with your healthy eating and training lifestyle, you eventually find another ‘tribe’, the healthy kind, because you’ll find you have less in common. It’s not bad to leave your old life / friends / community or tribe behind if it means you can move toward health, vitality, and power.

You have 2 choices: you can either move forward or you slide right back into un-healthiness again, and re-join the old pack! DON’T let that happen! They chose their life, you chose yours. You don’t need to join them on their self-destructive path! Nor are you responsible for them. And if they make you feel guilty about not partying, always going to the gym, or not ‘hanging out’ because you’d rather be moving forward, that’s THEIR deal, not yours, but they are trying to sucker you into the old ways, to make themselves feel better.

It’s almost as insidious as the druggie or alcoholic that reams all over a newly-sober person who has walked away from that life. I’ve lived on the other side of the track, like a lot of you. And I made a choice many moons ago to make the most of my body, this life and this opportunity. And I know it all too well with parents who died in their 40′s and my son who lives life from a wheelchair, and can never know the beauty of a strong, working body.

Just walk away. You can let go with love. You don’t have to preach or fight back, just smile, grab your bowl of chicken breast and greens, and know that you are on the right path – YOUR PATH and at any time they are welcome to join you. Surprisingly some do, most don’t. Live your life wearing your fullest colours. It’s how it’s supposed to be!

So to all those apparently well-meaning and so-called supportive women out there, we’re on to you! And we’re throwing it back at you! For me, I never get those comments anymore, because I’ve been on this path way too long and everyone knows it’s my lifestyle now. Besides, my ‘tribe’ has changed slowly over the years, and there is no explaining or defending to do ’cause we all live the same way: empowered, healthy, supportive, caring.

Stay strong!

LADIES: Have you ever found yourself asking the following?

  • How much protein do I need?
  • Should I go low-carb? And what is low carb?
  • How many times do I need to eat in a day to maximize metabolism?
  • Should I eat a low-fat diet, and if so, how much??
  • What should my caloric intake be at my age / activity level / weight?
  • How many days of weight training is enough to see real results?
  • How much cardio should I do? What type?
  • What if I’m vegetarian? Is there a different approach?
  • I have some injuries…how do we work around that?
  • How much should I lift and how often should I change up my program?
  • What about recipes….what should I be eating?
  • What is a realistic weight loss goal for 10 weeks?

Oh yeah, all good questions, and ones that have plagued women for their entire lives (more than likely). Sadly, most women get their answers from 2 sources: the Internet and well-meaning family and friends. Both are fraught with disaster!

Women on my 10-Week Best Shape Challenge get the real goods: we go through it all, and more. What makes this program successful is multi-faceted. First, it’s based on real-life experiences gathered from hundreds of women over the years who have improved and solidified their physical, nutritional, and spiritual health and wellness (yes, spiritual…a BIG component of our work here at McCoy Fitness). We use sound nutritional dictates, sports nutrition research, and yes, we use weights to build, shape, tone and strengthen those lovely vessels of ours!

And we offer TONS of support: coaching calls, email, and whatever a client needs to move forward on her healthy living journey. Because this is a journey, to be sure, and one that we can embrace with confidence, with no gimmicks, built from the ground up, sustainable, practical, and successful.

I created the Challenge 6 years ago because I was frustrated with the fitness industry, and seeing women spend so much money on trainers who simply could not relate to a 40 or 50+ woman and all her complicated needs (really, can a 25 year old trainer really relate? And can you PLEASE stop making us do burpees?!. And what about the Canada Food Guide… really? (Let’s scrap that one all together)! And us women need a support network of like-minded women to call on, something all of us on the healthy living journey certainly need for success. It’s time we serve women properly, professionally, with integrity and within a limited budget that they can afford. Enter on-line training….real on-line training (which is NOT just a workout program emailed to you with some recipes!)

With the Challenge, you get it all. For the price of four 1-hour sessions with a trainer, you get 10-weeks of non-stop learning about fitness, nutrition and how we can feed our thirsty spirits! And I’m with you every step of the way. Promise! You won’t fall through the cracks! And we have a philosophy for living, a motto, a creed, that guides us Warrior Women out there. Real. Honest. Earth-based.

Come join us. Because no woman is an island. We’re all in this together!

For more info, please visit We kick-off in 4 days! We have a few spots left! We’d love to have you join us!

I loved every part of the Challenge! I learned sooo much, and there was so much support every week. I especially loved the Coaching Calls and the Q’s and A’s Audios. And you cleared up all the nutrition info that we are bombarded with every day! And I’m loving my body changes. I didn’t think it was possible at 53, but yes, it is! And it’s just the start for me! Thank you Karen!”  – Denise Carbonde, Alberta

“Down 13 pounds and 7% bodyfat. Doesn’t that say it all? Thanks for a non-stop program Karen. It’s hard to explain it to people, there’s nothing like it out there! I’m yours forever!” – Samantha Grabowski, Vancouver, BC

I knew a girl from Banff many moons ago, when I worked there, who was from a good family and who had clothes to die for! She had amazing clothes, expensive, and she always looked fantastic. She knew how to dress, for sure, and how to layer, match, fit her body type (I was amazed because I have always wanted this skill, me, the shirts and jeans gal. Lazy, really).

Then I saw her at the lake, sun bathing, and all the mystery went away because for the first time, I could see her body, her almost-entire body, and I realized that she looked, well, average without clothes. OK, maybe less than average. OK, she was in really poor shape.

At that point (and this is me trying to make up for this because I just know what you are all thinking….”how judgemental of you”.., I wasn’t rally thinking ‘eghad, look how out of shape she is’, because I wasn’t really into fitness much then, or body image. My fitness level was likely the same as hers. Nothing special to be sure, but she had learned the fine art of clothes shopping and wearing that had eluded me all my life. It was a juxtaposition that has never really left me, some 30 years later.

Funny though, after that beach incident, I realized that I had sparingly dressed myself and make-upped myself all those years (and still do today) because I never felt comfortable with a facade, no matter how great it made me look. Guess I never wanted to undress or take off make-up and hear someone say, ‘wow, you look so different.’ To me, that would feel weird, false, uncomfortable.

Now I am not against make-up, as you know. I wear it, sure. But always minimal, just enough, because I don’t want to lull myself into a false sense of self, or shock myself when the clothes and the make-up comes off, and I realize that my fitness routine just might not be making the changes in my physique that I thought it was. ‘Uh oh, been fooling myself all these years…it wasn’t working! Back to the drawing board’…Nope. I never want to find myself in that place. Better to know up front, I think.

And there are many days when I would forget to make-up up, and leave the house face naked. But it doesn’t derail me, which is a good thing, and it don’t think it weirded people out. A kind of face commando. But admittedly, I do feel a tad better with some face armour on.

Today, my favourite wear is still t-shirt and jeans (it’s really just laziness, or lack of fashion skill), but I figure as long as I can still wear a slightly tight t-shirt and look ok, then I’m staying on track. (I will layer-up when I’m cold, and then I’ll make an exception). And when fashion shifted a few years back, and all the shirts went into long mode (you can almost pull that shirt down to your knees, can’t you? I figure it’s because sadly, so many of our young ladies are struggling with weight issues), I figured then fashion-makers had to keep pace with our changing, growing body shapes that so many younger people are struggling with, now more than ever. (So rather than change legislation so trans fats and sugars are minimized in our foods, clothing manufacturers and style trenders are having to shift their products, to literally, cover up for Health Canada’s messes).

Give me blue jeans and a nice form-fitting t-shirt and I’m off to the races (but I will always wear heels, to give me the illusion of a leaner body. Yep, even I’ll use a style once in awhile to add some fakery). But I figure the day I can’t get into my jeans or I’m bulging uncomfortably through my t-shirt and over my belt is the day I may just take a note from Miss Banff herself, and, well, learn to layer up.

She  did it so well….


The 10-Week Best Shape Challenge is here! We start January 12th! Sign up has begun! Join us! And wear your favourite jeans and t-shirt with pride!

Everyone is plugging into them, following them like lost zealots trying to find enlightenment, or at least the perfect body.

Apps. Fitness apps. Eating apps. Are you too hooked in?

Now there’s nothing wrong with fitness apps, at the start, or as an occasional check-in (and by occasional, I mean a few times a month). But what I see as a trainer and nutritionist is that those who are heads-down into their fitness app are becoming dependent, removed, and anxious!

I’ve put clients on whole routines, only to see them in the gym pulling up their fitness app, and loading in yet another exercise for back, or legs, or whatever. Seems like what I gave them for a workout wasn’t sufficient, and they needed more (?). (My motto: More is not better, better is better). The same client goes onto the food app, and has learned that according to this wonderful piece of technology, she is supposed to consume 1700 calories (how does it know? Genetics, pH levels, age, acid alkaline levels, hydration, body type and so much more determines your individual metabolism,) and she diligently plugs in her food for the day, to tally up right. Not a smidgen over, or under, please. Gotta be exact or she’s off her game for the whole day.

And then there’s the popular IIFYM (if it fits your macro’s) approach. While it’s good because people are learning about food according to their macronutrient profile (carb, fat or protein), again, it’s creating an anxious, number-counting culture. So, if you didn’t eat the proper amount of carbs for the day, as dictated by the technology theologises, you are to make it up at the end of the day. So stuff that pop tart in your mouth and count it as 30 grams of carbs. You hit your carb macro. Well done! Now you feel in control, safe, on target. The math adds up. Whew! On to tomorrow..same thing, plug in those numbers..

But apps are free, you say. True. They are succinct. True again (boy, are they! Don’t want to be outside those golden numbers of yours!). And they’re portable. OK. And they’re teaching everyone how to eat and train properly, with more info, more options, tending to the numbers….

And that’s where it all falls apart. There are a few coaches out there that use them with their competitor clients. Fair enough, especially if you are going into show and need to go to the extreme that our sport requires to get down to almost single-digit bodyfat (I would still argue that you can do it without an app. I have, for 7 contests now. Oh yeah, and I eat dairy, fruit and drink coffee right up to show, too. I know, I hear the gasps from the competitor’s crowd. But at 53, I crave and move toward total autonomy and freedom. I aim to NOT follow the crowd, and it works beautifully every time. On and off season.)

So let’s ditch the apps, and live real, with freedom. (I just know I’m gonna get a TON of emails over this one!) Let’s come to live by flexible eating, and trust in Self, where we learn to eyeball what we need, how much we need, and know when to eat it (yep, some of these apps actually tell you when to eat too!). Because to me, this is joyful eating, still with a good measure of compliance and discipline, but not dictated by a device in hand. As athletes, and as mature women, we can actually learn to eat intuitively. Power within Self! It’s about time, don’t you think?

And training. Real training for results requires not more exercise choices, but rather proper execution, with intensity, and different training techniques, knowing when to back off on that intensity through the months. And how does your body work with higher rep schemes, or lower reps with more weight (do you even know?), and is that App inspiring you, supporting you, teaching you to strive, reach, apply, test, reapply? This is how real results happen.Training with progressive results, year after year, is intuitive, creative, fulfilling and fun! And we are constantly looking, altering, applying, learning, growing…..that’s the beauty of it.

In my view, apps may have their place for a small time frame, and for certain people, usually those people who need to rein things in. Fair enough. But give an app to someone who has had an eating disorder, or who is borderline OCD, or who is juggling kids, work, life, and, well, you create a bigger mess. Besides, we don’t need to make mathematicians out of our clients, to have them stay within hard, prescribed lines. That’s not human. Or real.

How about returning to basics and put pen to paper, as I’ve always done, for the first while until you learn the ropes. Old school you say? So. It works. And it returns the power to self, and I am not forever relying on a piece of metal that dictates my life, my eating, my body. Release me, please! I’m a big girl! I CAN do this.

In my programs, I teach people to count calories and macronutrients, to start. Then they are taught to un-learn it. I want them to learn to eyeball a buffet and know what they are consuming, to make it all intuitive, flexible, real. I want them to bring that Power back within themselves, rather than give it over to the Technology Gods, the Almighty Apps.

Ah, freedom….can you feel it? That’s what we’re after. That’s the real way to live, eat and train. And that’s what us humans are meant to do!

Coach Karen

PS My 10-week Best Shape of Your Life Challenge is open for registration. We start January 2015! Join us! And the 12-Week Advanced Best Shape Challenge is open for Graduates of the 10-week Challenge only. See you on the other side..!


“It’s my second time on the Challenge, and I loved it! It tunes me up for the year and sets me back on track! And I look pretty good in my (now) size 6 dress. Thanks Karen! It, and you, are one of a kind!” – Sheila Basset, Ontario

I just completed the latest 10-Week Best Shape Challenger, and what a lovely bunch of women it was! 

Twenty-five women completed the Challenge, and all found some level of success, as defined by them. See, many come to the Challenge to lose weight, but that’s not always the case. The reasons vary gain strength, to learn how to lift properly, to build a stronger immune system, to learn about real nutrition, to change their lifestyle, to tighten and tone, to build muscle (my fav!), and more…

During our Final Challenger’s Luncheon, some notable awards were handed out (as well as a McCoy Fitness Warrior Woman T-shirt, and a copy of my fitness book – One Rep at a Time):

Biggest Loser Award: Tanya Lee (down 12 lbs, 10.5″ and 5% bodyfat). Pictured right and below.
Runner Up Biggest Loser – Cathie Ounsted (down 14 lbs, 9.5″ and 4% bodtfat)
Best Natural Athlete – Sue Hodgson
Best Long Distance – Sheila Corman, Ontario (down 8.3 lbs, 9″ and 2% bodyfat)
Best Contest Ready – Tina Halasz (ready for stage, I’d say)
Best Body Renovation – Valerie Houghton (wow, serious shifting happening!)
Best Natural Shape – Valerie Hansen (down 9 lbs, 10″ and 5% bodyfat)
Golden Globe Award (55+ athlete) – Janis Jean (at her tender age of..well, 55+ she certainly is outside the box!
Best Baby Builder – Sarah Pendray (aiming to keep soon-t0-be baby healthy and started on the right track!

Always a blast. Always confirming. Always unique. Thank you ladies. It’s been my pleasure and privilege to work with you all. Now…keep the momentum, ok? Getting there is one thing, staying there (and continuing to progress) is another. And that’s what my maintenance program – The Healthy Living Program – is all about, which you are all now on.

See you in 2015! (Graduates, you qualify for the Advanced ChallengeCLICK HERE!)

PS: Our next 10-Week Best Shape Challenge starts January 12th! Join us!

PSS Got a female family member who would appreciate a healthy gift? Buy her a spot in the next Challenge. SAMPLE GIFT CERTIFICATE HERE!

“I am so thrilled with how far I’ve come, and this is just the start! Thanks Karen for designing a program that I love, that fits my life, and that shows awesome results if you’re willing to commit! You get what you give!” – Tanya Lee, (right) Victoria, BC


“I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly healthy and fit person, but Karen’s program introduced me to a whole new way of thinking about my diet and my workouts. I have gained muscle and trimmed fat and feel the strongest that I have felt in years. Finally, I shed those extra 10 pounds and turned it into muscle. Fitting this into our busy lives is a challenge, but with short manageable workout routines, it is do-able. The 10 week challenge was the spark to get me going and now I know what I need to do to maintain my new shape and diet. Thanks Karen, for getting me on my way to a new and healthier body.” – Valerie Pike, Victoria BC


“I have had such a great journey. Doing both challenges has been enough time to make these changes seem almost routine. I am so grateful to you and the work that you have done for us in creating your programs. They truly have altered my life.” – Dariol Haydock


I have to say that overall I am very pleased.  I feel so much stronger – was even able to do a dip and a pullup that I couldn’t do at all before! I have ab muscles now at the top of my tummy between my ribs that I didn’t have before so even though the measurements don’t show that much difference I can definitely see and feel a difference!   Thank you so much for creating this program! Couldn’t have done this on my own!” – Viola Vanderuyt