for the 40+ woman!

Your Welcome Package is HERE!

Creating optimum health and vitality means tending to all of our bodies – the physical and nutritional ones, and the emotional and spiritual as well. (What, you thought you were just going to create an awesome body? You will…and soooo much more!)

How long is the HLP? It continues for as long as you continue…remember, this is a lifestyle, not some short-lived diet plan or one-off training regime. So please remember you will be billed automatically every 30 days for this recurring program. In case you missed it, here’s a SUMMARY of our first 12-months together.

If you’ve just come off of the Best Shape Challenge, some info may be repeated, but that’s sometimes necessary. Some repetition of info is a good thing because we cover a lot in the Challenge, yes?

Click on the link>>>Welcome Package and let’s start creating a healthier, shapelier YOU! (Please listen to my audio message on the front cover).

“A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step.” (Chinese Proverb). Congratulations on taking that first step!

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