for the 40+ woman!

The Universe has spoken…and I am listening.

I’ve been envisioning building a retreat and studio for many years. About 15 years to be exact. It began when my world blew apart: my son’s diagnosis coupled with severe health issues and childhood trauma that just wouldn’t go away…the perfect storm for a drastic change.

I’d like to say it was a fast turn-around, but it wasn’t. As chronicled in my popular book One Rep at a Time, I was in that dark place for many years. Fear, sadness, guilt, confusion, depression and pain were my constant companions.

Two years of intensive therapy coupled with a long and exhaustive journey into the spiritual and metaphysical realm brought me out the other end. Alive. Healthy. Energized. With fresh tools…

I’ve been using many of these tools in my on-line training and nutrition programs for years. I can’t help teaching what I know, because what I know for sure is that us women are in this together. We are all challenged. We all lose faith. We all need a little more….

I’ve spent the last 6 years building McCoy Fitness and what a great ride it’s been. But this summer (like all summers), I took pause…… I looked around. I took stock. That uncomfortable feeling was seeping back in again…

Uh oh. That only means change is a-coming

So, I am planning my Warrior Woman Retreat and Fitness Studio to be built on my amazing piece of property north of Victoria. And I’m using all my senses and calling on my ‘spiritual team’ to help me. Because I know this feeling, and I know this is what I’m meant to do. How will it come about? Where will the funds come from? That is not for me to ask. My role is to envision and get the energy in motion…break ground. Draw out the blueprints. The Universe, Providence, Divine Guidance…whatever you want to call it, has opened a portal in my mind’s eye. And my role is to step into it and bring it into fruition. That’s all I know for sure.

We all have a purpose in life, and mine is to teach. Not scholastic in nature. But to teach what I know, to connect other women, to support and inspire, and to provide a space of security and openness where it can be done. In all my programs, I have tried to provide this to all my clients, and I think I’ve been successful. But now I need a bricks and mortar place to extend those teachings…workshops, meditation retreats, training and clean eating according to Mother Nature, and in her own back yard. Putting competitors thru the rigors in a place that teaches and builds health and vitality at every step. That’s what women need and deserve. I am merely a vessel, and my new Warrior Woman Retreat and Fitness Studio will be the physical meeting place for all things to occur. I can hardly wait.

I’ve been on this metaphysical path for 20 years. Once born a ‘meat and potatoes’ gal, the what-you-see-is-what-you-get variety (ho hum…), I now know there are other worlds out there, other avenues most women ‘feel’, but don’t know how to access. Or they are afraid to access it. But we need all planes – physical and astral – to move into our greatest and grandest version of ourselves….you with me?

My physical training and nutrition business will continue…it’s my calling, and I love it. It is who I am. But now, it will just include a spiritual and energetic bend to it, the way I envisioned it almost 20 years ago. It’s what women need. It’s what they crave. And I can offer it to them at my new Retreat Center.

To open spring, 2014.

Karen – PS Grab a spot in my September 10-Week Best Shape of your Life Challenge…only 20 spots! Join us!