for the 40+ woman!

~ Best Shape of Your Life Challenge! – STRENGTHENING THE HOUSE!

– WEEK 6

Theme of the Week: Eat local / Organic for Optimum Health!

GetInShape (1)

This is the last week of the Double-Split routine (don’t forget your supersets and drop sets) so stay with your training. Next week we move to 4 days training on a triple split!

To complete our nutrition lessons, I want you to focus on eating herbicide and pesticide-free fruits and veggies. We don’t need the 40 chemicals on our foods, and neither do our bodies. So choose local fruits and veggies, and local meats ( local markets like Mitchell’s Farm and Thrifty’s have local fruits and veggies, and Carnivore Meats and Red Barn Markets have grass-fed Island meats!. YUM!

When you eat local you’re also supporting local! And you’re also eating in season, a key function in cellular health, strength and vitality.

And remember, eating local fruits and veggies, and getting the man made products allows our bodies to stay alkaline, an optimum state of well-being. Use the Alkaline Chart, in case you need reminding of what foods are acidic (poor) and what foods are alkaline (excellent). Choose 80% alkaline and you’ll be doing yourself a world of good!

You’re likely finding that the better you eat, the more your perspective is shifting. You start seeing how others eat – how you used to eat – and you see it as old behaviour. That’s because you’re shifting toward a lifestyle of clean eating. You’re now looking through a new set of glasses. Congratulations! Now you’re on The Path!

I’ve included my popular Tracking Your Progress worksheet, a very valuable tool to keep you on track! Why didn’t I present this sheet before? Because I had to teach you each of the concepts first, and now you can use it with confidence! And use it often! Post it to your fridge! Pretty soon it’ll all become second nature…that means you no longer see it as a diet plan, but rather, you’re in a clean lifestyle! Good for you!.

OK, Warrior Women…enjoy this last week of the Double-Split, and practice your drop sets and super sets. For the remaining 4 weeks, we’ll be moving into the Triple-Split routine, to really ramp things up!


Week 6: Same as Weeks 4-5: Legs/Chest, and Back/Shoulders/Arms

Experimenting with drop sets and supersets with your workouts.

Nutrition goals: Shop and Eat locally, and keep it clean!

Body/Mind: A Shift in Perspective


VIDEO and accompanying ARTICLES for this week….




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