for the 40+ woman!


Phase 4
Week 11 – A Day in the Life!

happy1This week, I want to show you how an average day as a physique athlete looks like. In all honesty, it’s not really average to the average person, but as you immerse yourself more in the life, it will become average to you. That’s because you’re creating a new normal. That’s good! Pretty soon you’ll be looking at others with different eyes, shopping with different eyes, looking at that big plate of roast beef and potatoes served at your local pub with different eyes… that’s when you know you’ve made the shift…when you think the majority are off their rockers and you’re living the proper life!

So what does the Perfect Day and the Perfect Plate look like, to me? Again, this is just MY version, yours may be different, so grab what you want from my example, and build on your own!

And what does lifting with Zen look like? And just how do I play out my day? I’ll show you in Zen and the Art of Body Sculpting and A Day in a Life. The videos are in your Real Training Album!

Your Support Package for Week 11.